Sarah Aynsley
Head of Curriculum
Sarah Aynsley
Head of Curriculum
End of Year 11
Phew! We've made it!
Looking back on the year, it has definitely had its challenges but our Year 11s' have displayed huge amounts of resilience through it all. All of the Class staff are very proud of your efforts and have enjoyed working with you throughout the year. We wish you all a safe harvest and holiday period and look forward to welcoming you all back for your final year of schooling in 2023!
Visiting Trades - Ms Aynsley
Last week, I had the opportunity to spend the day on Farm and in Trades with the Year 11 students. Thank you to Ms Martini who took me on a tour of the farm and Jake, Charlie and Kyle who shared the gate opening duties. Also to the Trades team, Mr Boromini, Mr Trevenen and Mr den Boer, who welcomed me into their workshops for the morning. It was fantastic to see everyone in a different learning environment and gain an understanding of the other areas of the College.
Plant and Animal - Ms Jury
Over the last two weeks, students have been busy revising the year's content for exams and end-of-year tests. This included both in-class and practicals on farm, implementing the content they have learnt in class. The 11 ATAR students preformed dissections on the sheep reproductive and digestive systems to identify each of the organs and their purpose within the body, highlighting how the ruminant systems are similar and differ from monogastric systems such as pigs. Students also had the opportunity to travel to Muchea with Farm to visit the cattle and sheep sales last Monday and Tuesday, validating concepts they have learnt in class; these included the MLA fit to load guideline, Livestock Production Assurance practices, e.g. NLIS tagging, marketing strategies/selling at auction process and breeding composition e.g. identifying the breeds and crossbreeding of stock whilst analysing the appearance and quality of the livestock. The ATAR students are sitting their exams this week which will be their final assessments for the year before the Award Ceremony on Friday which I’m sure they are all looking forward to.