
Grade 5/6 'This is Us' Art Show

Wednesday to Friday from 2:45 PM - 4:00 PM

Portrait by Sienna T      (5T)

Yesterday afternoon the Grade 5 and 6 students attended the opening of their art show, for many it was the first time they had seen their art displayed in an exhibition.


The focus of the art is all self-portraits, in several different styles. The art is realistic and contemporary, bright and colourful, and most of all fun! The students were very excited and proud to see their own work, but also to see what their peers in other grades had created too. 


The exhibition is open until this Friday afternoon for the whole school community to attend, even if you don’t have a child in Grade 5 or 6 , please feel free to come along and see what they have been working on. Everyone who attends the event should vote for their favourite (if you can choose one, there are so many amazing artworks!), and the top choices will be announced in the newsletter soon. 


Here are some photos of what’s on display and the students enjoying the exhibition:

On Wednesday it was my pleasure to welcome everyone to the Year Five and Six "This Is Us" Art Exhibition.

I cannot begin to tell you how pleased we are to be able to welcome visitors to join us at school to see the absolutely amazing artworks of our senior school students. 


 Please drop in to the Collaboration Space to see this amazing showcase of our student's work.


Not only are we fortunate to have some very talented artists, but we are also fortunate to have equally talented teachers. Ms Rodriguez has been working well beyond her part time hours to create the exhibition that you can see here.