Student Voice 

Grade 5 Girls enjoying sharing their lunch eating time together.

Foundation : Make A Word Monday

The Foundation students have been using Make a Word Monday as a writing warm up. 


Each Monday, a grid with 9 different sounds is drawn up on the whiteboard. 


Children are then asked to write as many words as they possibly can using the 9 sounds ONLY. 


Make a Word Monday has fast become one of the Foundation students favourite weekly activities. 

Transition Activities

Lunch with buddies. So great to see our older students making time for our younger students doing some reading activities at lunchtime.

Year 5 Poetry

In Year 5, we have been focused on incorporating figurative language into free-verse poetry.  Here are some outstanding examples from 5T:


Living A Nightmare – Julia 5T


In many ways, life is a story, is it not?         

Usually with a villain.

The wolf, the monster, the snarling beast.

With its shield of followers, its sword of insults,

Each stab a lasting wound.

Physical, verbal, isn’t it all the same?

I will still go home with pain in my heart.

Sticks and stones may break my bones...

Words can still be deadly.

I never tried to disturb the dragon,

Yet its wrath is a volcano,

Impossible to predict.

Every day is hard to face,

When you are standing alone.

One small figure,

Against a hurricane of hate.

Without a single weapon or allies,

How do you win the war?

Do the rivers flowing down my bruised face,

Not make you feel remorse?

The snake may inject venom to eat,

The tiger can bite for a meal,

But why does the invincible creature,

Still sink its fangs into my flesh?

Hurting, crying,

Muffled by the laughter.

Must I bleed,

So you can smile?

Am I really just as worthless as you say?

A speck of sand,



Losing Rainforests By Lily 5T


The lush rainforests are beautiful, 

monkeys call out,

animals call out,

everything is as it should be when...


Crash! The noise sends startled birds flying, 

the monkeys grab one last mouthful of food before fleeing,

frogs leap into ponds,

the frightened animals make a racquet as loud as a band,


hot men grunt as tree after tree succumbs to the heavy machinery,

they do not care about endangered animals,

they do not see that animals have homes too,

they just want the money they get from destroying ecosystems,


the real mastermind behind this is worse,

they do not care about the animals that call this forest place home,

they only care about the money that comes with palm oil,

they just want to be rich,


documentary makers are startled by the sudden rampage of terrified animals,

meanwhile nature is angry at the machines,

it beats hot sun down on them,

it blasts the strongest of gales at them,


the tired monkeys have aching limbs, yet they continue to flee,

animals fight as the homeless enter the territory of others,

the trees continue to fall,

the men finally leave but the forest continues to cry.


Climate Change Poem – By Miranda 5T


The shoreline dances against the sand, drifting

with the wind sweeping the rubbish into the waters.

Splash... An old, ruined teddy bear is thrown. To be forgotten.


The stars above are tiny gems in the sky,

Watching the soaked bear drowning in the hot waters, like a fish on land.

The time is up, the water reaching up, groaning as it grows.


The scent of mist holds the bear,

Dancing and singing as the waters are rising...

Ice cubes float in the glass, clinking against each other,

As the boiling, rough touch of heat forces them to melt. 


Land is sighted, life has been acquired, but

All hope is lost...

The taste of musty old plastic chokes the bear, grabbing it.

Whispers of stars giggling, like a group of girls,

 They stare at the disaster, not caring for the bear. 


She washed up onto the shore, the touch of ice freezing her paws,

All memories flooding back with all hope lost.

With the ice melting and earth heating up.

All hope is lost...