From the Principal

Curriculum Day 31st October - students do not attend school.

Walk-a-thon Update

The weather has not been kind and as a result the Walk-a-thon has been rescheduled for next Thursday the 3rd of November. Thank you helpers and volunteers for coming to school - but it will be even better next week. The structure and format will be the same and again $1 from every canteen lunch order for that day will join the Walk-a-thon sponsorship money that will buy new play equipment, so please dig deep.

Thank you Mr McKay and Mr Bull for organising and packing away the course in the rain,  staff and teachers for their flexibility in managing today's timetable and the students for their enthusiasm who will get their opportunity to join in next Thursday.

Welcome to IPS

As we approach the middle of Term 4, we work on the very complex task of creating classes for next year.  Teachers and education support staff have input into how classes are made up, taking into consideration students telling us who they work well with in the classroom.  That information, along with information from reports etc, ensure classes are inclusive and staffed appropriately.


We have highly skilled, passionate and professional teachers who care about student learning and wellbeing.  Whilst we understand that parents know their children, we do ask you to trust in our professional expertise.  We therefore cannot take requests for particular teachers, but please rest assured that we all work together so that each and every child gets the best possible placement.

Vietnamese Delegation of Education Leaders 

A Vietnamese Delegation of Education Leaders from Ca Mau Provence will be visiting our school tomorrow.  Our visitors are  senior leaders from the Vietnamese Department of Education and Training and the Ca Mau Provincial People’s Committee.


They are interested in hearing about how we organise learning to cater for the individual needs of children, as well as how we measure and evaluate performance, our focus on teaching students to be creative and how we manage mixed abilities in the classroom.


The delegates are very interested in touring our school (seeing the school in action).

Curriculum Day Reminder

Curriculum Day 31st October - students do not attend school.

IPS Election Day BBQ- Student Stalls

Last Wednesday Miss Kelly and Miss McCormick held a meeting for students who may be interested in having a student stall at the IPS Election Day BBQ on Saturday 26th  November 2022. The hall was packed with eager participants. 


The next meeting for interested students will be on Wednesday 3rd November at lunchtime in the hall. There will be no cost for a stall site and students can keep all their takings for the day. 


Due to safe food handing practices stalls MUST NOT sell any food related products, including sweet/lollies. Also due to health reasons stalls WILL NOT be able to do face painting.


Please click on the link to register your child/ren's stall by Wednesday 23 November.

Dogs on school grounds

Dogs on the school grounds must be on a lead held by an adult. Children should be discouraged from putting their faces close to a dog's head. While mild mannered dogs on leads are welcome in our community, a dog's bite can be extremely dangerous so please exercise extreme care if you bring your pet into our school grounds. 

Premiers' Reading Challenge

Thank you Francine for coordinating this very worthwhile program.

World Teachers' Day

IPS has an amazing team of teachers who are not only professional and highly skilled, but are also caring, approachable and dedicated.  They have shown great resilience during challenging times and always strive to give our students the best future possible.


Tomorrow, we celebrate World Teachers' Day with the theme -  

'Hats off to Teachers this World Teachers' Day!'


The school leadership, Junior school council leaders, House Captains and our equally awesome Education Support team will be celebrating in style!   The student leaders have organised for all our students to thank their teachers by making cards and they have also organised a SILLY HAT PARADE at 9.15am to 9.45am on the soccer pitch or the hall if the rain continues!


We welcome you to join in with our students by taking your hat off to our teachers.   We'd love the community to get behind our teachers and let them know what a fabulous job they do. 


Come and join in and wear a hat too!


Dear Cat,


I am writing on behalf of the school council and the school community to acknowledge the incredible work you did to put together the weekend’s Trivia Night.

I think without exception, everyone who attended thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Your organisation, choice of mc and easy camaraderie made the event a huge success.


Thank you for organising the donations and for running the raffle. The $700 + will join the proceeds from the walk-a-thon and be put to replacing playground and purchasing outdoor / games furniture.


Mark Kent



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