Primary News

Mrs. Audrey Fellowes - Head of Primary - Deputy Principal

Looking Forward in Primary

Clayfield's Got Talent!

Students are busily preparing their video entries for Clayfield's Got Talent! 

See more information below from our College Captains, Myra and Savaana. Please note that the dates have changed slightly, to allow students more time to prepare their entries.

Reindeer Bake Sale

On 17 November, Year 9 Social Science students are holding a bake sale to raise funds to sponsor a reindeer herd.  Primary students will be able to pre-order a baked item in the week before. Pre-order forms and prices will be available nearer the time.


Why: During our Year 9 Social Science subject, our students are required to take action on an issue they have discovered during their study of biomes. They are putting their inquiry learning into action and trying to affect positive change for reindeer herds in the Artic and the groups of people who survive on and with these herds.

Primary What’s Happening Calendar Snapshot

Term 4:            Week 6 (Monday 07/11/2022 – Friday 11/11/2022)

Timetable:      Week A

Please refer to the online calendar, via the Clayfield College app or your Parent Lounge, for a live daily/weekly schedule of events.

Uniform Shop Update

Please click here for updated Uniform Shop information on our website. You will find information and shop hours and a link to a new online ordering site.


There is also information there about the Sustainable School Shop which allows parents to buy and sell second-hand textbooks, uniforms and other student resources.