Volunteering in our School Community Year 3/4's

Adrianna Kassavetis

Volunteering in our School Community

The Year 3/4’s have been exploring the concept of ‘volunteering’ in the context of benefiting members of our school community. The process of volunteering is seen as the first step toward developing an understanding of what it means to be an active citizen. On Friday the 28th of October, students in Year ¾ volunteered an hour of their time to help anyone who needed it within the school. 


Our class captains have given recounts on their volunteering experience:

Gizel & Eren 3/4K

A couple of weeks ago, we did some volunteering for adults around the school. Students realised that you don’t have to work for money, you can do things to just be helpful to others. People were proud of themselves once they completed their volunteering and we all felt happy that we made a difference in our school community. The adults that we helped were really thankful and they were also relieved that they didn’t have to do the jobs themselves. 


Taylan 4JS

In the library we helped by putting books in the right place and putting the picture story books in the right order. We also cleaned and tidied up the toys and put them where they are supposed to be. I think that we helped Miss Debbie a lot because there was so many of us and you can get more done than with 1 person. I also think it helped all the students in the school because they all use the library. I think we all had a great time because I definitely did.


Alayna 4JS

We helped sort the levelled books for Mrs DeYoung. Firstly, when we put the books in the right places and sorted to books on the right reading level. Me and my friend were sorting out the books from level 1 to 27. All of the kids grabbed a big pile of books and everyone had a blast helping other people because we knew it was going to help all the kids in the school too. I really liked helping people. 


Talyie & Jusef 3BS 


Volunteering made us feel happy, excited and joyful because we were helping the world and making it a better place. We believe that our volunteering made the people we were helping feel thankful and grateful. 3BS found the experience very rewarding and wanting to offer our time again to people in our community who need help.   


Sema 3RR

On Friday the 28th October I volunteered my time to help Mrs De Young put home readers into levelled groups. This made me feel happy because I was giving my time to help someone else. It made Mrs De Young happy and I think less stressed because she didn’t have to do it alone.  


Ece 3RR

A couple of weeks ago, I volunteered my time on a Friday afternoon to clean up our library. It made me feel very good and helpful to be doing something to help Miss Debbie. I think that it would have made Miss Debbie really happy because she didn’t need to come in and tidy the library all by herself. 


Abbey 4ZB

I picked up rubbish with Mr Toos. I enjoyed cleaning the school and environment. I think it has been a big help to the environment and to Greenvale Primary School.


Adam 4ZB

I helped Mr J count all the balls in the sports shop and sort all the different equipment in the sports shop. After that I picked up some rubbish on the oval. I enjoyed picking up the balls and counting them.


Lola 3SC

A few weeks ago I gave up some of my time to clean our library. This volunteering made me feel happy. Miss Debbie was also very happy with our help. 


Berkay 3SC

2 weeks ago my friends and I all volunteered our time to do a rubbish clean up of the whole school yard. I really liked it because it made the school look a lot nicer. It definitely would’ve made everyone who uses our school yard happier to see it clean.