Junior School News

From the Head of Junior School


At our Junior School Assembly on Friday, I read a picture storybook to the students called Catching Thoughts by Bonnie Clark and Summer Macon. I came across it two weeks ago when browsing a local bookstore and thought it would be good to share with students. Even before I became a teacher, I loved reading. To me, reading was a way to experience other lives, adventures, and sometimes worlds, from the perspective of the characters developed in the stories. As a teacher, and then a parent, I have found that books and stories can also help children develop their understanding of the world around them, make sense of their feelings and help by providing strategies for them when facing difficult situations. Catching Thoughts tells the story of a child who has a disappointment which leads to a dark thought. As the story goes on, it tells of how that dark thought got bigger and then followed the child wherever they went, constantly impacting their day. Once the child acknowledged the thought, they were able to think of other, brighter thoughts. They took control of their thoughts and chose to focus on the bright, positive ones. They did not ignore the dark thought, they acknowledged it for what it was, a brief disappointing moment, then they chose to move on. I thought this was a good story to share, particularly at the end of National Mental Health Month. For parents who would like more information regarding supporting children with their mental health, Raising Children website has good resources for school-age children: https://raisingchildren.net.au/school-age/health-daily-care


Our Preps were also very lucky to be treated to a special storytime this week when Mrs Dusseljee, Mrs Bartlett and some of our very talented music teachers played a musical performance to the reading of The Very Noisy Bear by Nick Bland. The children loved hearing the story come to life with actual instruments. I thank Ms Moon, Ms Wade Mr Normington, Mr Turpie, Mrs Bartlett, Mr McGuffie and Mrs Dusseljee for giving up their time to entertain our students.


Thank you also to Mrs Lenard, Mrs Stephens, Ms Long and Ms Moon for preparing our Piano students and then putting on a wonderful piano concert on Tuesday evening. I am sure our parents were very proud to see their children performing to an audience. I loved seeing the range of students from Preparatory through to Year 12 perform.



Mr Donald Thompson

Head of Junior School


Junior School Production: Moana Jr 



What a pleasure it has been working with the dedicated students, parents and staff of Girton Grammar School to produce Moana JR. Like Moana, we were able to take on the challenges we were faced with, as we had a village surrounding us during the whole process. An enormous amount of work goes on behind the scenes to create such a show. From rehearsals to working bees to photoshoots and the week itself in the theatre, everybody plays an essential role to bring the show to life. 


Seeing the joy on students' faces as they were once again given the opportunity to perform in front of a live audience was truly a privilege.  We hope you all enjoyed the show!


“I thought Moana JR was compelling because it had a proper storyline and there were constantly more songs occurring which tends to make the audience engaged. My main role was the mother of Moana, she’s kind and caring when it comes toward looking after the Village or Moana.” 

Octavia Yuen (6 Frew)


“Once I got to the stage I felt prepared on the first night and didn't mess up. On the second day we had a matinee performance and that was fun performing in front of the kindergarten kids. On the night I felt good and it was fun. Overall, it was a fun experience and I would do it again.”  

Anderson Price-Brown (6 Riley)


“I found I had an amazing experience with the Junior School Production. I found it immersive, and it really encouraged me to express myself through my character. It also really helps you to make friends through rehearsals. The teachers were also supportive throughout the whole thing. It’s given me a love for drama, and I hope to do more performances in the future.” 

Charlotte Thomson (6 Aherne)


Preparatory Camp: Extended Stay


On Tuesday, the Preparatory students had their Extended Stay.  This is the beginning of the Camps Program at Girton Grammar.  The Preparatory students began the day with a bus ride to the Great Stupa and Parky's indoor play centre.  When they arrived back at School, the students participated in an art activity and enjoyed having the playground to themselves.  We concluded the day with a pizza dinner and a movie.


Here are some of the students' recounts of the day:


On the Prep Extended Stay we went to the Great Stupa.  It is gigantic!  

Ari Vale (Prep Jones)


I loved the Prep Extended Stay. We went to the Great Stupa.  I saw an elephant.  It had puppies on its back.  We went to Parky's.  I played tag and I won against Alex.  I saw an ogre there.  

Blake Brown (Prep Millward)


At the Prep Extended Stay we went to Parky's.  Mr Robertson went into the lowest level!  Then we went to art and we got to make pretty trees.  We watched a funny movie.  We ate pizza.  I had cheese pizza.  

Georgie Lagana (Prep Millward)


I loved the Prep Extended Stay.  I liked the Great Stupa.  I loved the movie and I loved Parky's.  At the Great Stupa we got to find animals. My favourite was the Ombat! 

Alex Lee (Prep Millward)


I loved the Prep Extended Stay. I went to the Great Stupa. We had a Treasure hunt and a movie at school. We had art activities.

Isaac Guo (Prep Riley)


Piano Recital


This week was the return of another one of our traditions.  Mrs Catherine Stephens and Mrs Yuliya Lenard hosted the first Piano Recital in the John E Higgs Hall since 2019.  It was a wonderful display of talent and progression from our youngest Preparatory students to the more accomplished Year 11 students.  It was a lovely evening for parents and extended family to come along to see the children perform in a more formal setting. 



'A Very Noisy Bear'


On Thursday 27th October, the Preparatory students along with some invited guests, were treated to a Musical Storytime.  The Junior School Instrumental Staff brought to life the Nick Bland story of ‘A Very Noisy Bear’. 


Student, staff and parents were entertained by not just a story but also the melodies and creativity of the instrumental staff.  Thank you to our future families who were able to come along to enjoy the story and to the amazing Instrumental Staff who brought so much joy to the children on a rainy Thursday morning.