
Absence from School

When a student is unable to attend school, please notify the school by

email to   or telephone 9844 0314, before 9.00am.

Late Arrivals/Leaving School During the Day

Students arriving later than 8.45am must be signed in at Primary Administration.  Students are then to be escorted by the parent or attending adult to their class. Likewise, parents are asked to sign out their children when they need to take them out of school during school hours and then sign in on returning to school and escort their children to class. Students will be given a late pass on arriving at Primary Administration which signifies to the class teacher that their absence has been recorded by administration.

Family Holidays During Term Time

A letter of notification to the Principal should be written if you intend to take your child out of school for six days or more for travel or family holidays. Extended family holidays during term time disrupt the child’s learning, however, this is offset by having special family time with opportunities to explore and discover our wonderful world. It is important that parents be aware that teachers will not provide independent work for children to do while on holiday. During the holiday we suggest that students create a scrapbook of memories to be shared with the class on their return.