Information Technology

Technology Programme: Whole School Overview

Great Southern Grammar is committed to technology at school to enable our students to be enthusiastic and responsible digital learners. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) use is embedded into learning areas along with technology lessons which help children to develop their skills and also assist with staying safe while online.


Technology Programme: Year Six

At the commencement of the year, Year Six students are provided with a touch-enabled Windows device. The school has selected the Microsoft Surface device, ensuring it is capable of meeting all educational requirements, both in the classroom and at home. Year Six teachers are well-equipped to deliver an engaging experience for students using the Surface.


These devices will initially be kept at school and sent home later in the year once students understand how to use the device safely. 


Details regarding warranty and insurance are outlined in the Fee Schedule and Conditions document, available here


It is expected that students will care for the device they are provided with, ensure it is transported to and from school safely, and comes to school each day fully charged. Students will also be bound by the Acceptable Use of ICT policy.