Routines and Procedures

School Diary

All students are provided with a school diary at the beginning of each year. It is an essential link between home and school. Children should carry their diary to and from school every day. Students are expected to alert their teacher to any entries from home. Parents read and sign the diary each night.


Parents should use the diary to communicate with teachers, including notices of absence or personal issues. Diaries are collected daily and checked by staff. If a teacher makes a written comment, parents are asked to please sign to show that it has been sighted and/or the parent has spoken to their child regarding the matter.


To communicate a sensitive issue with the teacher, parents are asked to contact the school to arrange an interview or request this through the student diary.

Beginning and End of Day

Students arrive for the school day after 8.30am.  They should have unpacked their bags and be settled, ready to start their lessons at 8.45am.


The normal school day is from 8.30am until 3.00pm.  Prior to and after these times the school does not provide adult supervision and duty of care unless the student is undertaking additional academic or cocurricular activities.  Students must not be left unaccompanied outside of these times.


In the ECC, parents are welcome in the foyer to help prepare their child for the start of class.  All ECC students must be collected from outside the classroom in the afternoon by an authorised adult. Please inform the school by a note written in the diary or by contacting Primary Administration if someone other than a parent is to collect your child from class or if bus travel arrangements change.


Students are to be collected promptly at the dismissal times outlined above. If you are delayed in collecting your child, please contact the school. Your child will remain outside his or her classroom until collected. It is worthwhile to discuss these plans with your child so they are familiar with events, should you be detained one afternoon.


All students travelling by bus from  Pre-Kindergarten to Year Two must have a note to that effect written in their diary each day, including the number of the bus. No student will be placed on a bus if it is not written in the diary. Parents will be contacted after school to collect their child who will be at Primary Administration. All bus students from Pre-Kindergarten to Year Two are escorted to the buses in the afternoon.


A Primary School Day:


Pre-Kindergarten to Year Two         

Class opens: 8.30am           

Class starts: 8.45am        

Recess: 10.55am to 11.15am        

Lunch: 12.35pm to 1.15pm         

Dismissal:  3.00pm


Years Three to Six

Class opens: 8.30am           

Class starts: 8.45am        

Recess: 10.55am to 11.15am        

Lunch: 12.35pm to 1.15pm         

Dismissal:  3.10pm


Pre-Kindergarten is held on Friday and Kindergarten is held on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Parent Drop-Off and Pick-Up

The designated parking area for ECC parents is the carpark in front of the Early Childhood Centre.


Years Three to Years Six parents may choose to use the carpark and drop-off area located near the Multi-Purpose Sport Complex.


Parents are asked to take care during times of traffic congestion. Tolerance and consideration of others are expected, as well as a courtesy in observing the one-way flow of traffic and speed limits. 

Chapel and Assembly

Primary School students participate in Chapel Services and Assemblies held in the GSG Hall. Parents are welcome to attend.


Before school, Primary School students assemble outside their classroom. During breaks, Years Three to Six students have access to the oval, hockey turf and basketball courts to play ball games. Staff on duty supervise recess and lunchtime outdoor activities. Students must not go out of school grounds or set areas.


On wet weather days, students are supervised by staff in the foyer areas and classrooms for indoor games and activities. The Primary School has a No Hat, No Outside Play policy. Students must wear their hats while outside, at all times. It is recommended that sunscreen is applied before students leave home during summer months.

Personal Belongings

Students must not bring personal toys and special possessions to school, including electronic devices, unless a teacher has prior knowledge (for example, for a class presentation). All uniform items and personal belongings must be clearly marked with the owner’s name. Students are responsible for the care and safety of their belongings.


 All personal items brought to school are at a student’s own risk. Any unclaimed items of lost property will be sent to the Uniform Shop at the end of each term to be sold as second-hand clothing. The school is not responsible for any lost or stolen items.

Birthday Party Invitations

Children enjoy birthday parties, however, the distribution of birthday party invitations is the responsibility of parents and is to be carried out outside of school. This helps to avoid students becoming distracted in class with feelings of excitement or disappointment, depending on whether or not they receive an invitation.

Pets on Premises

In keeping with Occupational Safety and Health regulations and the Animal Welfare Act, our duty of care for all animals on school premises ensures their wellbeing and safety. Pets should be left at home and not brought to school. This guideline also includes not bringing the family dog to school when dropping off or collecting children. Please contact the Head of Primary School for relevant advice.


Compliments, Complaints and Suggestions

Thank you for providing Great Southern Grammar with your feedback. We appreciate that this information may provide us with a valuable opportunity to improve our school.


Statement of Commitment to Child Safety

All children and young people who come to Great Southern Grammar have a right to feel and be safe.  We are committed to providing a child safe and child friendly environment where children and young people are safe and feel safe and are able to actively participate in decisions that affect their lives.


The School regards its child safe responsibilities with the utmost importance and as such, is committed to providing the necessary resources to ensure compliance with all relevant child protection laws and regulations and maintaining a child safe culture.


Each member of the School community has a responsibility to understand the importance and specific role they play individually and collectively to ensure that the wellbeing and safety of all students is at the forefront of all they do and every decision they make.


The School’s Statement of Commitment to Child Safety has been designed to reflect the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations.