Getting Involved

Parents and Friends

The GSG Parents’ and Friends’ Association is led by a highly active group of parents working together for the purposes of school and community improvement. The P&F hosts events and assists with the fostering of relationships between parents, teachers and school community stakeholders. 


As a parent at Great Southern Grammar, you automatically become a member of the P&F and we welcome you with a big smile! We are a friendly bunch, encouraging parents to become involved through volunteering, attending meetings and socialising at school events. The P&F provides a great forum for meeting other parents. Becoming involved in the P&F helps you to become more familiar with the fantastic GSG community.


Key P&F whole-school activities include the Colour Run and the biennial Kingfisher Fair. Funds raised by the P&F contribute to projects for the benefit of current students. We are always eager for suggestions on project ideas that the P&F may assist in funding. P&F meetings are a great source of information for parents about what is happening within the school. 

Volunteer Parent Help and Involvement

Do you have a special interest that you would be happy to share with the children as a parent helper? Being a parent helper is extremely rewarding and enjoyable and we encourage parents to partner with the school in this way. We invite you to be involved in our educational programme, however, we understand that life is busy and time is precious.


Parents are welcome to join their child’s class for the first part of the school day until the commencement of Period One. Relatives and close family friends are also welcome. Parental involvement in the school’s teaching and learning activities is one of the best ways of building and sustaining relationships in our school community. The school expects parents to be good role models for children. Please tell teachers if you do not feel confident about doing something you have been asked to do as a parent volunteer. 

Volunteers and Child Protection

All volunteers are to report to Reception or Primary Administration first where they sign in and pick up a visitor’s badge. At the end of the day, please sign out at the same office.


Volunteers who assist with their child’s class (eg reading roster), do not require a Working With Children card. However, we ensure that visitors to the school who are presenting to or working with students, driving buses and providing excursions have a Working With Children card.