Your First Day

Starting School

Starting school is very exciting! Most children can’t wait to start school, but some children can become concerned about leaving a home or daycare situation that is familiar and comfortable. Make sure you talk about the parts of your day that will remain the same: family meals, stories at bedtime and after school activities. Be aware that comments like, “I’ll miss you when you are at school,” can play on a child’s mind. They need to know you are happy with this new adventure so be brave and put on a happy face for that first important day.


It is tiring settling into the school routine, which is dramatically different from the home or daycare environment. Be aware that ECC students will be full of excitement in the first few weeks and absolutely exhausted at the end of the day. As an enormous amount of emotional energy is needed throughout the day, it is recommended that your child does not pursue cocurricular activities until older.


Rest days are strongly recommended if your child is feeling even slightly unwell. For children, attending school when they are not feeling their best not only makes them feel much worse, but leads to illness spreading amongst the class.

What to bring

  • Morning Tea: Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and Pre-Primary children must bring a fresh piece of fruit or vegetable to have during fruit time, and a water bottle. As we do have a number of children with food allergies, we are a ‘nut-free’ school. This means that no child is allowed to bring nuts or nut products, including muesli bars, to school.
  • Lunch: Students require a packed lunch, either brought from home or ordered through the Canteen. Please note that lunches can be kept cool by appropriate lunch box ice coolers. Staff duties do not include heating children’s lunches.
  • Diary: In the first week of school all children are issued with a diary. This diary will travel to and from school each day and should be sighted and signed by a parent or guardian each night. Staff will communicate with parents as needed.
  • Change of Clothes: Please keep a pack of spare clothes (underwear, plain t-shirt and navy shorts/pants/socks) in your child’s bag in the event of accidents. These items should be in a sealed bag or container so they are not confused with the daily uniform by the child. Albany’s weather can change dramatically so please ensure jackets are packed in case of cool weather.
  • GSG Library Bag: We collect all Library Bags at the beginning of the year. Once library book borrowing sessions begin, your child will bring home the bag and the borrowed library book. Please keep the bag at home with the library book until the next library day the following week.
  • Rest Time Cushion: Pre-Kindergarten to  Pre-Primary students have a rest period after lunch each day. This usually involves a story or relaxation music. Students need a small cushion, no bigger than half a standard pillow, with a removable cover.
  • Children should not bring personal toys or items from home, unless requested for classroom use.