Another incredible Big Day Out with an amazing group of students. 

30 members of our Like Minds community - current students, Like Minds alumni and staff, had an early start today to make our way up to Gene Technology Access Centre. Students completed a hack-a-thon to develop an artificial prosthesis. By the end of a session students had designed a prosthesis which they could control through sensors attached to their own muscles, or programmed through a device.


Following this we made our way to Kemizo Play Centre in Pakenham for an afternoon of rollerblading, laser tag, rock climbing and other games. A very well deserved celebration of a fantastic year of Like Minds.


It’s hard to pick a single highlight of the day - the look on the students’ faces when they made their prosthesis move, the learning that comes from working alongside research scientists in a high tech lab setting, or watching the connections grow between students (especially across year levels) as they spent the day together having fun.