Year 7 Science classes finished the year with a fun activity designing and making catapults.  The aim was to fling a marshmallow from it with the partner catching it in their mouth.

The Year 7 Science classes have also been looking at buoyancy and surface tension. They designed and built foil boats, attempting to hold as many 50 gram weights possible, without it sinking. Some designs were better than others. 

And also using a steady hand to see how many drops of water a coin can hold without spillage. There were some awesome efforts from the Year 7's. Well done!


Term 4 Year 7 STEAM students completed a bridge engineering challenge. They began by representing different countries which had different bridge building resources, and then "trading" resources to gather what they needed to construct a bridge. 


The brief was to design and construct a bridge that would span a 25cm gap, and be able to hold maximum weight. With limited resources they got creative in solving the problem. There were some very impressive results!