School News and Information 


What a busy term so far Stage 3 has had!  This week, students from the Dingoes and Emus have made the final touches to their very own poems and will begin presenting them to the stage group towards the end of Week 5.  In other learning areas, Stage 3 have finished off their Music unit with a fabulous performance at the last whole school assembly, and we now move onto our Drama unit. 



In MAPPEN this term, both Stage 3 classes are busy designing their very own products that they will sell at our very own ‘Bizarre Bazaar’ market.  At this market, Stage 3 will sell their products to the Stage 1 students for a gold coin donation.  All money raised at the market will be donated to a chosen charity.  So far in this unit, the Emus and Dingoes have put on their creative thinking hats and developed some incredible product ideas to create. To ensure they are meeting the interests of their target audience (Stage 1), both classes began preparing to conduct their own market research.  This included students making up a series of questions that they would then ask Stage 1.  Last week, both the Emus and Dingoes visited both Stage 1 classes and conducted their market research and from here, they will analyse the data they collected and modify their design ideas to suit the interests of Stage 1 students.


Creating Chances

Stage 3 students have enjoyed participating in the new program called Creating Chances. This 10-week program began halfway through Term 3 and will finish in three weeks’ time. The main objective of this program is to focus on equipping young Australians with 21st Century life skills to operate with confidence in a complex, information-rich, globalised world.  Run by trained educators, both Year 5 and year 6 groups have engaged in lessons surrounding the importance of critical and creative thinking, personal and social capability, ethical understanding, and inter-cultural understanding. At the end of each theory lesson, Year 5 and Year 6 students enjoy the great activities and games that connect to their learning. 


