Carlsruhe Annexe


With a shorter week due to the Melbourne Cup our students have been off and racing to get everything done.

Thanks to Repair Café at Woodend Neighbourhood House

Last week our bell was in dire need of some TLC. A huge thank you to Repair Café at Woodend Neighbourhood House for repairing this for us. The bell is as good as new and will hopefully last another 100 years at least.

Working Bee

A reminder that this Saturday, 9 am-2 pm is the Carlsruhe Working Bee. There are many jobs needed to prepare for the Carlsruhe Fair so if you could spare any time at all helping us this would be greatly appreciated.


This week the students have been very busy completing testing for their final marks of the year. It has been fantastic to see them using many of the strategies and skills covered throughout the year when responding to these tasks.

Year 4, Phillip Island Camp

Thank you to all of the parents who have volunteered to come on camp to Phillip Island. The lucky parents attending will be notified towards the end of the week when we have finalised student numbers.

Thursday Activities

A reminder Thursday activities have started at Carlsruhe, and will continue until week 8 of Term 4. We are still in need of volunteers to help run these so if you are able to help with any activities, please let the Carlsruhe teachers know and make sure the office has a copy of your current Working With Children’s Check.

Carlsruhe Teachers

Ann Ireland, Nathan Spilsted and Mark Condon