From the Principal, Diana Ellis

Remembrance Day

On Monday November 11th we will be commemorating Remembrance Day. Our Year 6 student leaders will be selling a range of items from the RSL including poppies, pens, bag tags etc.

Our School Captains will attend a ceremony at the RSL and Sophie Swinburne will read the following piece.


The 11th of November

The 11th of November

Is a day we should always remember.

And when a child asks why we wear poppies on this day

It can be explained in this way.


On the 11th hour on the 11th day.

Homage to others we do pay.

To those people who spilt their blood on water,

jungle and sand

So that you and I can walk free on our land.


For it was the people who paid the holy sacrifice.

We elders know, their life was the price.

And, in a minute’s silence with bowed head’

We pay respect to our war dead.

And these people have given you and me

A day to remember, and a land which is free.

By G. Milner

Working Bee

This Saturday we have our working bee out at our Carlsruhe Campus. Thank you to the people who have already registered. The working bee is from 9.00 until 2.00 but we recognise that people are busy and might only be able to volunteer an hour or two. Any support will be greatly appreciated. I look forward to working with you to improve our school.

Carlsruhe Fair

Our Carlsruhe Fair is fast approaching. On Saturday November 30th we invite you to join us at our bi-annual fair. There are many stalls, activities and entertainment planned for the day so come along and support all of the work that has gone on behind the scenes from our very committed team of volunteers, along with much appreciated community support.

Tabloid Sports

On November 20th Miss Mann and Mrs Connell will again host our Whole School Tabloid Sports. All children will be in their multi-aged house teams to participate in a range of activities. Parents are invited to attend to help the teachers and support our students. We will be asking everyone to wear their house colours. Further information will be provided about the time and the activities.


Last week our Year 3 students were learning about light and shadows in Science. A beautiful big tree at the front of the school provided some real life examples.


Today we have the first of our orientation sessions for our 2020 Foundation students. We look forward to welcoming the students and their parents as they prepare for the transition into school.

Family Maths evening - 30.10.19

Here's a few photos showcasing the successful Family Maths Night.   Thanks again to Mr Condon and his Maths Team.