Meet Our Team 

Name: Zoe Harris


Describe yourself in 3 words:

Kind, caring and passionate. 


What do you like most about your job?

The favourite part of my job is when children have those ‘light bulb’ moments. When they have been struggling to understand something and then all of a sudden, they get it! 


Favourite Food:

My favourite sweet treat is chocolate; I certainly can’t resist a piece or 10 of Cadburys. My favourite actual ‘food’ would have to be vegetable lasagne. 


What book are you currently reading?

Our class novel, ‘Ninja Kid’. 


Best holiday spot:

Lorne and Manly. 


Favourite childhood memory:

My favourite childhood memory would have to be my 8th birthday when I got my pony Ebony. 


Funny incident:

I can’t really think of one… 


Hobbies/ Interests/ Sport:

Horse riding. 


Best personality trait:

I think my best trait would be that I genuinely care about people and am a very compassionate person. 


Worst personality trait:

Indecision - sometimes I just can’t make a decision. More in my personal life, I seem to be very decisive at work. 


Best film:

Pitch perfect


Favourite television show:

At the moment I am watching ‘Designated Survivor’ on Netflix.