School Report 

Welcome Back 

Welcome to Term 4. Amidst the changing nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are excited that next week all students will be able to return to on-site learning. Drop off and pick up times will remain the same – due to the relatively small size of our school, staggered times are not necessary.

A reminder that parents/ carers are still not permitted to enter the school grounds or gather at the gates.  For assistance, please ring the school office.

Please ensure your child comes to school with a water bottle.  All water fountains at school will remain turned off.  Children can refill bottles using classroom taps.

Important Dates – Pupil Free Days

Monday November 2nd : Curriculum Day. 

Tuesday November 3rd : Cup Day public holiday

Remote Learning Reflections

What have we learnt during these challenging times? It has pushed us to think critically not just about our daily lives, but also about what we are doing in our classrooms and in our schools.

What is something positive that we can take from this pandemic and how can it guide us as we move forward? One of the biggest things that we have had continually reinforced is that in times like this, we need to make sure that we focus on relationships, and truly ‘knowing’ our students and their families. We need this connection so we can provide the support that’s needed at the right moment. Having those relationships and connections in place at LPPS have made a huge difference. We know that our staff have worked tirelessly to ensure that the connections between school and home have fostered authentic partnerships that will strengthen the transition back to onsite learning.


Congratulations to Emily Rae on winning the Yarra Ranges ‘Outstanding Teacher’ during remote learning award. Emily was nominated for her creativity, engaging videos and her enthusiasm during remote learning. Well done Emily! 

'No Hat No Play'

Just a reminder for families that students need to wear hats when outside as per our Sun Smart Policy from September. This means that all students must have their hat when returning to school for term 4. It’s also a good reminder and habit for children at home to wear a hat when playing outside. Please note that your child must have their LPPS hat when at school. No other hats can be worn.

Holiday Works Around the School

The school holidays are a wonderful time for various maintenance tasks to be completed as the contractors can work uninterrupted. Over the last holidays we had a few tasks completed around the school.  As recommended by our recent Bushfire audit, there have been a number of trees removed.  There has also been painting completed and a general clean up ready for the students to return next week.

From the Office

Parent Occupations: Please remember to notify the school if there is a change to your occupation status or details. To maximise the benefits to both families and the school it is vital that all families notify the school if there is a change. If you become unemployed, change your job title or return to work please notify the school office by phone or email. Thank you.

A Final Word

As we return to on-site learning we would like to thank our families for the many small but significantly important things you are doing and saying, as you work to keep your family, and our community on a path of positivity. Trying to balance your work and family life, while working with us to help continue your child’s school education has been a massive task.  You have done an amazing job!


Thank you to our staff who continue to redefine the way that they are teaching to address current needs.  Our teachers have worked exceptionally hard to ensure that all students are able to access remote learning. Our teachers quickly adapted to online learning and personally engaged with their students. They have continually listened to feedback and differentiated learning to meet the individual needs of our students.


Thank you to our Admin team, ES staff and Chezelle for working hard to support our community.   Our ES staff have embraced the role of learning mentors during remote learning. They have provided an amazing level of support to our students during these challenging times - not just academic and well-being support but also helping students to organise their time at home.


We look forward to welcoming everyone back next Monday.


Launching Place Primary School Staff