Classroom News 




P-2 Storytime

Here's Sean, Zara's and Maxie's responses to last week's Storytime book: Oh, The Places You'll Go! We all had a chat about the places we'll go once we get out of lockdown!

The students in P-2 can't wait to see mountains, the beach, school, friends, and temples. They're really looking forward to visiting cousins, playing hide and seek with cousins, visiting Italy, flying to India on an aeroplane, kissing babas, hugging grandpas, playing on swings, visiting waterparks and just doing stuff! Hang in there everyone!

Letters and Father's Day Cards to our Parishioners

Buongiorno Parrocchiani,

Good Morning Parishioners, 

Mi chiamo Sienna.

My name is Sienna.

Ho 10 anni e faccio “Grade 5”.

I am 10 years old and in Grade 5

La data e’ il 29/7/2020.

The data is 29/7/2020

Come state con questo tempo freddo nel secondo isolamento?

How are you with this cold weather in the second lockdown?

Come state passando il tempo? How are you passing the time?

State in comunicazione con la vostra famiglia  ed i vostri amici.

Stay in touch with  family and friends.

Il mondo e’ sempre bello e la vita preziosa.

The world is still beautiful and life  is precious.

Cosa farete quando questo virus e’ finito?

What will you do when the virus goes away?

Tanti auguri per voi, 

Best wishes to you, 

Da Sienna 

from Sienna.


Chloe's Fathers Day Card to her Nonno
Chloe's Fathers Day Card to her Nonno
Kaitlyn's Father's Day Card
Kaitlyn's Father's Day Card

Ciao Parrocchiani,

Mi chiamo Nicola,

Vado alla Scuola del Sacro Cuore..

 Spero che siate contenti. 

Spero che possa passare presto questo periodo, 

Continuate a stare a casa.

Siate positivi perché siamo tutti insieme in questo periodo.

Tante belle cose.

 Auguri di buona salute.

Da Nicola e dalla comunità’  del Sacro Cuore. 

Year 5/6 News

Student Teacher ~ Trung Ly

We have had the good fortune of a student teacher spending the last month of Term 3 with us. Welcome to Trung from Swinburne University who has joined us at Sacred Heart and loving it! He's been a great help over the past fortnight and we are grateful he chose our school to do his round.

Welcome, Trung!!
Welcome, Trung!!

With less that three weeks to go, we are definitely looking forward to the end of Term 3 and , with renewed hope, have our eyes firmly set in Term 4. Hope fully our Year 6 students will be able to spend Term 4 in each other's (physical) company. Until then, we have a few loose ends to tie up. 

Curiosity Campaign

From 'Where do snails come from?' to 'The Perfect Hamburger' to 'What is the role of government in protecting forestry?' and everything in between, our students have been up to their armpits in research, finding out the answers to things they are either curious or passionate about. Can't wait for them to share their Campaigns with us first week back in Term 4!

Photography Competition

Mention a $25 gift voucher to Readings as stimulus and you won't hear the end of it! Each week students are given a theme and submit photographs that speak to this. This week's theme has been 'Spring'. 

Julie Tong
Jasmine Mantis
Julie Tong
Jasmine Mantis

LSO Week

Finally, as we celebrate our fantastically and amazingly brilliant LSO's (including Francesca and Rose-Lee), we'd like to say thanks to Amalie O'Hara for being with us in Year 5/6. Amalie brings her positivity, cheekiness, creativity and care into the Year 5/6 Learning Space every day and has been a great support to our students over this trying time. These three photos say it all! Thanks, Amalie!!