
Bernie Murnane



Sunday 31st January was our first attempt at getting the year underway.  It was very hot with the air conditioners cranking to try and keep people cool. The news of Lockdown was confirmed and we had to send everyone  home. One week on, we try again and it is pelting down with rain, probably 20 degrees cooler and jumpers and coats needed to stay warm. What a strange start to 2021.


Welcome aboard all new students, parents and guardians and welcome back to our returning students and their families. 


Students seem to have settled back into boarding and school relatively quickly. Residential staff have been working with our new students to let them know how the boarding environment operates, the standards we expect and helping them to settle in.


On Tuesday evening we buddied up the new boarders with our Year 11s and had a few Year 12 boarders assist too. We supplied a “cheat sheet” of Get to Know You questions for them to help break the ice.  This seemed to work extremely well and within a very short time pairs became groups of four, six, eight etc. with ongoing communication for quite a while.


Wednesday evening Mr Jones ran an indoor soccer competition involving a large majority of boarding students. Lots of fun was had by all involved – great work.


This weekend we are off to Busselton Camp for a couple of nights. Day students and Boarders have a great opportunity to get to know each other far better in a more relaxed environment. There are lots of fun activities organised to keep everyone engaged. For those students not attending camp they will need to be collected prior to 5pm on Friday and returned after 3.30pm on Sunday. 


Acting on advice from the School Nurse last year, the College requested that all daily medications be supplied to the college in “Webster Packs”. Chemists can do this for you at a very reasonable cost. The reason this is being requested is that medications are much easier to be accounted for and ensures our staff are legally protected and your student is administered the correct amount of medication. Can we please ask for your assistance in this matter. It is also a legal requirement that we cannot accept any medications supplied that are not in the original packet supplied to you by the pharmacist.


Please remember to number all clothing – both uniforms and casual clothes. Karen, our laundry manager, has already got a small pile of unmarked clothing in only 4 days!


We are looking forward to a wonderful 2021 in Boarding.


Thank you