
Geoff Howell

Paul Dyson


Mr Howell and I would like to welcome all students and families back to the College and wish everyone a very fulfilling and successful 2021. 


Students have had one rotation across the farm learning environment. I have had plenty of positive feedback from trainers reagrding the mature attitude of all students. It's important that students remember to bring a broad brim hat, water bottle, trade bag and the right attitude to learn. What is not required is any jewellery or mobile phones. 


Mobile Phones 

There are times when older students may use mobile devices, including their own phones for educational purposes. My concern always is related to the inappropriate use of mobile phones, including the accessing of social media and how that has the potential to cause harm to other students, the College's reputation, or the user.


First Excursions for the Farm

Mr Millichamp, Mr Dunlop and Mr Venables took 12 students to the Sheron Open Day and Black Rock Sales on Thursday. We hope the students learn valuable information from these activities. 

Sheron Open Day
Sheron Open Day
Boyanup Sale Yard
Boyanup Sale Yard

Certificate III 

Year 12 Certificate III in Agriculture students have commenced their program and have an understanding of the commitment required to achieve this Qualification before the end of their formal schooling. It is important students keep on top of a very rigorous schedule and ask for help when they are struggling with the workload. 


Mr Dyson