Student Voice 

VCE in Lockdown 

As we all know this year has been a rough one for all of us. The fear of coronavirus looming over our heads, missing out on important events like formal and the fact that our exams are right around the corner has impacted us all, especially the year 12’s. As Term 3 is coming to a close it is time to hit the ground running. 


I know a lot of us might be feeling de-motivated or scared for the future might hold but we are in this together. We are here for each other, and together we can overcome anything. The long run of our high school lives is soon coming to an end and honestly, I’m really sad. I’m going to miss everyone’s smiling faces every day and the way that everyone is so connected with each other. However, I do feel a sense of excitement, going out into the huge world, full of possibilities and opportunities around every corner.


 It’s a big step, but one that I, as well as many others in year 12, are ready to take.

I would also like to thank all the year 12’s. You guys have all done so well this year despite the unfortunate circumstances we are currently in. You have managed to keep yourselves motivated, maybe with a few hiccups along the way, but that is normal. 


We are almost there. You can do it. I believe in every single one of you. I am so grateful to all of you, working together to solve problems and organise events. I know it’s a scary thought that the exams are just around the corner, but we can do this. And the reward and relief we will feel when they are over will be the best feeling ever. And remember, that score we get at the end of the year does not define us.


Jade Short

Banksia House Captain 

NEVR Student Forum

On September 1, Andrew and I were invited to represent South Oakleigh College in a NEVR (North-Eastern Victoria Region) Student Forum. As a member of S.R.C. I found this experience to be extremely beneficial and would like to thank the Department of Education North Eastern Team for inviting us and cultivating such a wonderful program. 


We were able to share adaptions the college has made to improve the online learning experience for our students and we look forward to implementing ideas provided by the other attending schools to further improve the experience of our students. 

We were also privileged to hear from guest speaker Chris Wardlaw, who is best remembered for coaching champion athlete Cathy Freeman. He is also the chair of the VCAA Board. As a young woman myself, not only was I moved by Cathy Freeman’s strength and significance but also by Chris’ message inspired by her; to believe and have faith in yourself to get the job done. Hard work reaps the deserved results. 


I hope that everyone is staying safe and connected during these rough times and I look forward to hopefully seeing my fellow peers soon. 


Juliette Criticos 

Leading Student Voice Representative


Andrew Leap 

College Captain 

The Community Conversation

We are proud of the community involvement of our College Captain Andrew Leap, he is constantly involved with the conversation surrounding a vast number of current issues including the age individuals are able to vote and more. 


The most recent appearance in the media was Andrew’s interview with the age regarding the Corona Virus and the significant coming of age rituals VCE students are missing due to the state wide lockdown. 


Thank-you again Andrew for your continuous hard work in our school and the broader community. 


Please follow the link to read the full article.

Peer Support in Lockdown

On Tuesday 15 September all Peer Support Leaders met for a Term 3 workshop. Leaders took part in various activities online, went through the 2021 Peer Support Mentor position and discussed the Term 4 schedule. 


Peer Support Leaders prepared a message to all the Year 7 students on Padlet. This will be presented to all the Year 7 students from their Peer Support Leaders. Inspirational messages and images were collated by the leaders for their groups.


We look forward to continuing the program once on-site learning resumes in Term 4. 


This year our Student Leadership Program has evolved in many ways to further incorporate and build student voice and agency. 


Our program has grown to become pivotal in allowing the student body to collaborate, host student-led initiatives, influence the direction & development of the College and make an impact on the lives of their peers & other members of the community. At the same time, leaders learn and grow their interpersonal skills outside of the classroom and have the ability to apply their knowledge into a real-world environment. 


A few highlights include the implementation of the peer to peer learning model within our Peer Support Program. The structure has changed to include members of our senior Student Leadership Team to deliver training and provide advice & support. 


Peer Support Leaders participated in collaborative sessions and workshops to develop session outlines around topics they would like to share with their Year 7 groups. Topics have included current affairs, transition & protocols and cyberbullying. They choose respective activities, and each group has the opportunity to develop a session around one topic for the rest of the leaders to run. 


The Student Representative Council (S.R.C.) have represented their student body by organising many events for students to participate in and enjoy school life. They continued to host Breakfast Club on a weekly basis during on-site learning and the Celebratory Breakfast Club has seen increased traction and success every term. Events supported and hosted by the S.R.C. have included: the Cancer Council’s Biggest Morning Tea, Harmony Day, regular Remote Learning Surveys, the Compass Reach Survey and House Competitions. 


During Remote Learning the S.R.C. have continued to develop activities to keep the SOC community engaged and united. The ISO video competition and the Study Space Photo Competition were a huge success. 

This week the College held a 2021 Senior Student Leadership Information session via Microsoft Teams. It was very exciting to have Year 10 and 11 students and staff join the session. 


All senior students are encouraged to apply for the leadership roles currently open for nomination for 2021. In Term 4, all Year 7-11 students will have the opportunity to apply for further student leadership opportunities. Any students or staff who wish to seek further information or provide feedback can reach out to Andrew Leap or Ms Kantzas. We look forward to welcoming our 2021 Student Leaders. 


Stav Kantzas 

Head of Grevillea House / Facilitating Student Leadership Coordinator 


Andrew Leap 

College Captain