Principal's Report
The end of Term 3 2020
As the term draws to a close, I would like to acknowledge the tremendous work and commitment of all our staff, students and parents throughout this challenging and character-building time.
We look forward to next term and the worst of the crisis behind us where we can look to more positive time ahead. As a Principal Team, we are extremely proud of the calibre of our leadership teams: staff and students who have embraced the opportunities to demonstrate our values continuously through this time – particularly High Expectations and Teamwork.
This term has been a challenging one for all of us a given our Years 7 - 10 students have been learning remotely for the past nine weeks, and our VCE students only onsite for the first three weeks and then intermittently for some essential assessments. This, however, has not dampened the enthusiasm and work of our Student Leadership Teams, our Director of Students, Heads of House and Mentors who have provided innovative and creative ideas and opportunities for our staff and students to connect throughout the Melbourne Stages 3 and 4 lockdowns including:
SOC Bake-off! Staff Baby Photos Part 1 & 2! Secret Sound! Song Writing Competition! Ongoing Photo of the week and many other activities through Mentor Groups.
It was also very exciting to have Year 10 and 11 students and teaching staff participating in the annual Leadership Program which was adapted during Remote Learning. This session was a tremendous success and I congratulate Ms Kantzas, Andrew Leap and Stacie Varsamadis for all the work they did to make it such a success.
Thank you also to our Senior Choir which has already entertained us this term. The quality of their singing also attests to the work of our Instrumental Team who have supported our students to produce some amazing videos and performances.
We have had many emails, phone calls and other communication from our community expressing their appreciation of our staff for their extraordinary efforts throughout this Remote Learning period. I, too, would like to express my sincere thanks for all staff, who are committed to providing learning opportunities for all our students, and who have initiated and overseen extra-curricular opportunities, often in addition to their teaching responsibilities.
Thank you also to our amazing ES staff: they have contributed significantly to the operations of the school; and, they have enabled programs to keep running and while ensuring that both staff and students are supported.
Term 4 traditionally has a number of major events including: Year 12 Graduation, Grade 6 Orientation Day, and Presentation Night. We are determined to provide a suitable alternative to recognise the achievements and outstanding contributions of so many in our school community in a year like no other.
At this time it is important to acknowledge our Year 12 students, who have truly been tested and have stood up to the challenge, with Resilience, while remaining focussed on the end goal. They and the Senior School Team that has supported them - Anthony Katsianos, Grace Terdich, Aviva Mulloy, Chris Blattman, Tim Columbus, Stav Kantzas and Bill Orologos - have worked diligently to make sure that the end goal is achieved.
I wish everyone a safe break and look forward to our students and staff retuning to our school in Term 4.
Helen Koziaris
College Principal
Goodluck Andrew
On behalf of the Prinicpal Class and The Director of Students we congradulate Andrew Leap on his early acceptance at the following universities.
Australian National University
Australian Catholic University
La Trobe University
Swinburne University
With a focus on completing an arts degree in International Relations.
Congratulations Andrew on his hard work and dedication.