Discovery Centre
Selemat siang!
What a fantastic we had in the Discovery Centre celebrating all things STEM for STEM week! It was amazing to see so many students and families engaging in the exciting STEM activities. A highlight was seeing so many students with their families joining our Maths and Science Zoom sessions. We hope you all enjoyed hearing from two scientists Laura Reid and Dr Vanessa Pirotta throughout the week too! Keep an eye out for more special STEM guests in our check in later this week. During the week we also had two whole days of assessment, where we were able to spend one on one time with students, listening to them read and getting the chance to have a little catch up chat which was a very big highlight for all teachers! Thank you to our families for your continued support and flexibility when it comes to organising times to hold Google Meet sessions.
Last week in Literacy students began to make text to self-connections in different books. They found something in a book that reminded them of something in their life, and made a connection between the two. We will be continuing to focus on making these connections throughout the upcoming weeks.
In Maths students were introduced to the topic of Mass, where they explored the terms ‘heavier and lighter’. We began the week by hefting different objects with our hands to decide which objects were heavier and which were lighter with their hands. Students also got creative and made their own balance scales using a coat hanger and weighed objects around the house, trying to balance the scales. At the end of the week teachers had a little laugh when students had to think of objects that were heavier and lighter than their own teacher.
This week we are very excited for our Foundation Disco on Friday afternoon! The theme will be ‘Pyjamas/comfy’ and will be held on Zoom at 4pm. We will have a dance off to the ‘Cha Cha Slide’, so students can learn and practice this dance before to bring their best moves. Watch out for more clues throughout the week to find out who our Masked DJ for the night is.
On Friday teachers will be partaking in a Professional Practice Day, so there will be no Google Meet session or check in on this day. We have designed a fun ‘choice board’ for the day for students to pick at least one Literacy, at least one Maths and one other activity to do for the day.
We can’t wait to see you at the disco!
Terima Kasih,
Foundation Team
Student Voice
- Eva – “I liked seeing the whales tales lifting up out of the water”
- Arnit – “The Zebra fish looked invisible, that was interesting”
- Vespa – “I like how they got the snot from the whales”
- No Google Meet check in on Friday
- Get your dancing shoes ready, our disco is on Friday at 4pm and will be held on Zoom.
Pupil of the Week
FD: Matilda F -
For showing a love of learning in Maths this week. It was great to see you using maths key words to explain your thinking and to reflect on your learning. Great job Matilda!
FG: Ben S -
For demonstrating creativity when completing STEM-week activities, including your Ocean Habitat and Building a boat which could float in the water! Keep up the great work Ben!
FH: Jordan S -
For creatively approaching our STEM activities! It was fantastic to see your enthusiasm to complete different science experiments including the Rainbow Milk and your Floating Boat! Keep it up Jordan!
FJ: Arnit S -
For demonstrating a love of learning when completing your Seesaw activities. You have been including great detail in your writing and when you use your microphone to explain your work! Well done Arnit!