What's happening in the 5/6 classrooms

Wow! Back to learning already. How quick was that?  The seniors are off to a terrific start to grow in their learning in term 4. 

An example of Alice visualising a poem called “Grown Up”
An example of Alice visualising a poem called “Grown Up”


In reading we have been exploring the strategy of visualising where we have been encouraging the children to make “changing movies” in their minds as they read, to help they recall information and facts about what they are reading. The students have been drawing pictures to help them visualise and recall information from the text.


A limerick by Jovan
A limerick by Jovan

In writing we have started our adventure in poetry. In week one we learned about Limerick

poems which have a specific rhyming and syllable pattern as well as being quite silly.





Mounika working out  some division problems
Mounika working out  some division problems

In Mathematics, the seniors have been learning about division with a remainder. One strategy we have been exploring is short  division.






Our Inquiry learning has taken an interesting turn merging Social Emotional Learning , Wellbeing and Inquiry.  During week one, the seniors investigated mental health using the See Think Wonder  thinking routine, as well as the digital   FlipGrid platform. 



See: “ Kids telling a story about mental health and what we can do if we are not coping.”

Think: “Having feelings like anger”

 WONDER “ How many people feel alone or scared because of what is happening?’”



See: “I see kids and how they handle mental health.”

Think:Kids thinking how to handle mental health.”

Wonder: “Why are kids nervous about telling parents about their mental health?”



See: “ I see kids, children and adults being confident on the outside.”

Think:“ You have people, friends, family that actually care for you and they want to help you.”

Wonder: “Is mental health important?”

                 “ Can we always be happy?”

                                                                                               “ How can we overcome our feelings?”


In Religious Education,  the seniors will be exploring the meaningful scriptures which foreshadow Advent; including the Annunciation, the Visitation and the angel's revelation of the coming of the Messiah to Joseph .


Julie Feddersen

5/6 teacher