Learning and Teaching

2020 has been a unique school year. Parents may feel worried about their child’s 

academic performance and progression. The most important thing we can do as parents and teachers is to encourage the children to love learning. One reason many children lose their love of learning is that they begin to associate learning with anxiety and pressure. They’re worried about answering a question wrong, failing the test or falling behind their classmates.


When learning is only about outcomes, it’s no longer fun. When your child understands that learning is about just that—learning—and not all about achievement or perfection, he’ll be able to relax and enjoy the learning process much more. It’s important to teach children that success is not the result of innate abilities like “intelligence.” Instead, success comes from persistence, practice, hard work, and many failures.


On the other hand, children who view challenges as learning opportunities are more likely to persist, strategise, and keep working until they find a solution. 

Here are some helpful tips for parents to instil a love of learning in children.


Suzanne Deefholts

Learning and Teaching Leader