2020 Italian Program Term 1

Ciao a tutti e Benvenuti!  Hello everybody, and Welcome!

Yes, welcome to our nearly seven-hundred students of FWPS! And their families!

We are sure everyone is ready to learn new skills, make new friends and share new stories.

Many events will be organised this year, to offer our students opportunities to improve and expand their expertise and to enjoy their old and new friendships.


The first big event will be the Multicultural Day, a celebration of the many cultures and traditions which make up our vibrant community at Footscray West.  As always, this event is also a moment of solidarity and we will try to join forces with all those who are helping the communities of East Victoria affected by the bushfires.   We invite every family to stay tuned and to find all the relevant information on every newsletter.

Let’s start by putting that date in your diary!

 Thursday 12th of March - Week 7

Families are welcome to support the event and there will be many way to do so.

Traditional clothing, food, games, stories, languages, music, dances and so much more will highlight the best of our diverse and eclectic community so that everyone can embrace the best spirit of the event.

All students, at their own pace and according to their class level will explore the meaning of the word “culture” and collaborate in the making of this colourful event.  Italian will be the language which is looking for all the other sibling-languages ‘hidden’ in our school!  Parents and grandparents are alerted, this is the time to show off with your second or third language! A list of ‘magic words’ will be posted soon, then it’s up to you to integrate it with your own words or with your own stories!

Your children first ‘job’ will be to learn a bit more about their background, therefore every family is invited to help them find out stories, interview the grandparents or learn about them, dig up old pictures, learn some important words in their other family languages and re-discover our origins.

This is Australia after all, a huge puzzle of stories from all over the world, and we want our children to grow up treasuring all these stories and being respectful of their peer’s stories too.

Five weeks to go before the event.    We can barely contain the excitement!

Thanks for whatever way you’ll find to help your child to live this event at their best!

More details next week, have a great year!
