2020 Physical Education and Sport Term 1 

At FWPS we have access to a purpose built gymnasium, a well maintained oval, outdoor courts and a Prep artificial grass area. Throughout the year, the Physical Education Program utilises these spaces to enhance student physical competencies. As well as offering weekly P.E. classes for all students, a Sports Program is provided for students in the senior school, which includes Interschool Sport (grade 6) and modified games.  The school offers a two week Intensive Swimming program at Maribyrnong Aquatic Centre for children in grade Prep to Four. Our students also have opportunities throughout the year to gain expertise from specialised sports clinics through the Sporting Schools Program facilitated by various sports associations and supported by classroom teachers.


Physical Education Program

The Physical Education and Sport Education Programs at F.W.P.S. provide students with a variety of interesting and challenging experiences. All of these programs incorporate aspects of the Fundamental Motor Skills, which consist of running, kicking, dodging, leaping, throwing, catching, bouncing and hitting. All children from Prep to Grade Six will be involved in activities that encourage the development of fitness, skill proficiency, safety and teamwork.

Physical Education Term 1

  • PREPS will be involved in learning safety rules and routines, as well as the fundamental skills of throwing, catching, dodging and weaving. They will learn that the whistle means ‘STOP’ and ‘GO’ and they will learn how to move systematically between activity stations. Preps will be introduced to turn taking and equipment sharing, through participation in simple drills and games. The Community Circle will be introduced for students to reflect on their learning.
  • Junior School 1/2 will be working on a FMS review through a series of seven rotation activities incorporating throwing, catching, striking, bouncing and dribbling to ascertain their development at this early stage in the year. This will be followed by the Fundamental Motor Skills of the over and under arm throw using equipment of different size and shape as well as the ability to dodge and weave. Intensive Swimming will be conducted during term 1.
  • Middle School 3/4 will be working on developing their fitness through a variety of 14 strength and endurance activities over the first 3 weeks of the year. Each activity is completed twice for one minute and rest for one minute with an increase of 10 seconds in time for each subsequent week. This will also include the Beep test and other strength speed and endurance assessments. 
  • Senior School 5/6 will be involved in working on and evaluating their fitness levels through the 14 station endurance training program to increase their aerobic capacity and strength. As with the 3/4 students they will rest for the same duration as they participate in week one. With each ensuing week the activity period will increase by 15 seconds culminating in 90 seconds of activity per session by week three. They will also be participating in the Beep test, and other strength, speed and endurance assessments at various stages in term 1.


As with all our programs the Tribes agreements and Classroom Instruction that Works are a valued part of Physical Education at Footscray West Primary School.