Assistant Principal's report

In the blink of an eye, we are into week 7 of term 3.

With so much activity happening around the school, each week seems to blend from one learning event to the next. Before you know it, we will be at parent student teacher conferences (Thurs 19th Sept – Fri 20th Sept) reflecting on the learning that has occurred throughout term 3 and celebrating these achievements with another round of holidays. As the weather starts to improve in the coming weeks, I wish all students involved in sporting finals the best of luck in their pursuit of sporting success. I also encourage every student to apply the same level of focus and dedication to achieving success in their learning goals. This success can be measured in numerous ways: CAT/SAC results, Progress Reports (next cycle published in week 10), number of posi-slips and teacher feedback at the parent student teacher conferences. A special mention to our Year 12 cohort who enter the final few weeks of their secondary schooling before commencing exams. Good luck to each of you!


NAPLAN Results Released Next Week

NAPLAN Results will be released for students in Years 7 & 9 in the week starting 2nd September. This is another opportunity for students to gain feedback about their literacy and numeracy levels at a particular point in time (albeit back in May). At a school level, we use the NAPLAN results to assess how the students are progressing in their learning and there are specific areas that we can focus on to further develop our students’ literacy and numeracy skills. 



Curriculum Committee update

After a successful Careers Expo evening at the start of term, the curriculum committee have been busy using student subject choices to develop blocking grids and learning programs that cater for the diverse interests of our Year 8-11 student cohorts. With the blockings phase nearing completion, the next phase is to ensure all students have a viable educational program and staffing the subject being offered. This work will continue into term four.

A reporting working party are reviewing our current reporting structure and investigating how we can improve the reporting process to be more effective at impacting on student learning outcomes. Feedback is currently being sought from staff and students, with parents to be included in the review in coming weeks.


National Assessments Program- Civics and Citizenship

We have been randomly selected to take part in a national online sample assessment in Civics and Citizenship. Twenty year 10 students will be randomly selected to participate. For more information, refer to the parent information flyer included in the newsletter. 


Nathan Wallace

Assistant Principal