From the Assistant Principal 

From Mrs Hopkins' office....

As the end of the year fast approaches, there is a buzz in the air both at home and school. Routines change, the excitement of new beginnings builds and our schedules seem to fill up super quickly! Don't be surprised if your child seems a little more tired and emotional than usual - you may even feel the same! We encourage families to plan some early nights and 'down time' in amongst all the fun. 

Student Reports

Our staff have been busily compiling comprehensive reports that will be available through Compass in the last week of Term. These reports are a thorough representation of your child's growth over the last Semester and the result of many months of hard work from both your child and their teacher! 


Our review of Reporting is an ongoing process and next year we will be seeking feedback from parents, students and staff about our Reports and how we can continue to improve and innovate in this area. Our Semester 2 reports look slightly different as they no longer have a sliding scale of "Effort and Behaviour" represented by a single dot in the Generalist part of the report. Our classroom teachers prefer to demonstrate your child's achievement in these 2 areas through their personalised comments and we encourage you to read these comments with your child to reflect on their Semester and set goals for the year ahead. Our Specialist reports continue to have these scales as part of their reports. You will also notice that in the area of Maths and English, we have worked at including clearer language to indicate whether your child is currently working below, at or above expected level. 


We are kind. We are resilient. We are respectful.