1/2 Classroom News


 We have been exploring the story of the Good Samaritan and the qualities of the characters. Our Learner Profile attributes that we have been focusing on are - How to be Principled and How to be Caring in our Year 1/2  community. The Good Samaritan was principled and caring because he helped others and felt sorry even though he didn’t know them. 


In Literacy we have been learning about Narratives. We have looked at a range of stories from the Billy Goats Gruff, Paperback Princess and Jack and The Beanstalk.

Here are some examples of our sizzling starts…..

Rosie M: 3, 2 ,1 go!! Lulu threw the bone across the yard. She and her dog Max played this all the time...


Poppy: It was spooky and scary as she crept through the old ghost town


Eva: Kick, Kick, Kick….look at the Blue Bird team, they're going great. Eva passes to her teammates and Ouch!! ... 


Leo: There was fire coming from Sponge Bob’s house...


In Maths we made pancakes on Shrove Tuesday.  We measured the ingredients. Eggs and flour were once   forbidden during the 40-day Lenten fast, so on Shrove Tuesday, the day before Lent, people would make pancakes to use up their goods of those ingredients. Here are some photos of us cooking pancakes and using maths to help us cook.