Head of Students News

Mr Peter Serone

Welcome back to all students and families for Term 2! As usual, the term involves a range of activities around the College for the boys. There are high numbers participating in winter sports teams, a variety of co-curricular activities on offer, Walkathon and Year 9 camp and excursions. There is plenty on for students, to get themselves involved and keep busy above and beyond their regular academic studies.

Term 2 Uniform and Grooming Expectations

Please refer to pages 20 and 40 of the College Diary for expectations around hair cuts and winter uniform respectively.


We are very grateful for the effort families spend to ensure the boys present themselves in a manner befitting the College – both whilst at school and in the wider community.

Vaping and e-Cigarettes

Recent reports in the media suggest that vaping and use of e-cigarettes is becoming a popular pastime for our teenagers.


Most teenagers are unaware of the associated risks and potential impact vaping can have on their development and overall health. Parents are encouraged to discuss the dangers of nicotine addiction and include e-cigarettes in the discussion alongside alcohol and drugs.


At the beginning of the year it was clearly mentioned to all boys during assembly that e- cigarettes, vaping liquid and vaping are banned as indicated in the Student Diary.


The link below from SchoolTV has some clear information for parents and students on the associated risks of this habit.



Term 2 Healthy Habits

Students are being encouraged to maintain or increase the washing of hands during the coming term. In speaking with the nurses from our Health Centre, last year’s flu season was almost non-existent. This was attributed to the increased hygiene and constant washing of hands due to Covid. 


However, towards the end of last term, there was a noticeable increase in student illness. Please encourage your sons to practice good personal hygiene at all times.