Welcome Back to Term Two

Worker of the Week
Each week of the term, we will be choosing a Worker of the Week. This is a student who has been working hard on their schoolwork consistently throughout the week, or someone who has achieved a personal goal; perhaps someone who has solved a problem or maybe worked well with a group.
We started recognising these students in Term One. From the Dragonflies, Mahni, Astella and Aryon have done some outstanding work. From the Butterflies Sonic, Kyesha and Hattie have been chosen. The selected children receive thirty minutes of time at the end of the day to do what they choose, with a friend.
P & C Event
On Thursday, 29th April the Larnook P & C has been given the opportunity to hold another food stall at an Ian Weir auction. Once again we will be selling sausages, cakes and scones and tea and coffee. All food sold will return money to our school and therefore benefit your children.
We are looking for volunteers to help with the stall, work on the BBQ and donate food (cakes, slice, biscuits etc.) to sell.
Please contact Gaye in the office if you can help. This is a wonderful opportunity to raise money from outside the community and help our school. Last time we raised over $500! Please help if you can!
Coming Up in Term Two
Week One
Monday, 19th April
Pupil Free Day: Staff Training
Tuesday, 20th April
Children return to school.
Cross Country training
Wednesday, 21st April
Cross Country training
Thursday, 22nd April
Cross Country training
Friday, 23rd April
PSSA Terania Cross Country at Caniaba Primary School. Parent transport required. A note went home at the end of last term. No supervision at Larnook School site.
Week Two
Tuesday, 27th April
Volleyball with Claire
Thursday, 29th April
P & C Stall at Ian Weir Auction
Week Three
Tuesday, 4th May
Volleyball with Claire
Week Four
Tuesday, 11th May
Volleyball with Claire
Week Five
Tuesday, 18th May
Volleyball with Claire
Week Seven
Monday 31st May, Tuesday 1st June & Wednesday 2nd June
Swimming at GSAC
Week Eight
Monday 7th June & Tuesday 8th June
Swimming at GSAC
Week Nine
Monday, 14th June
Public Holiday
Week Ten
Friday, 25th June
Last day of term 2