Easter Fun

When too much chocolate is never enough...

Easter Fun

When the children got off the first bus on the last day of Term One, it was obvious something eggceptional (sorry… couldn’t help myself) was going on! They happily emerged with the most creative Easter Hats on their heads – one even had lights! As the rest of the children arrived, we saw even more amazing creations. I’m not sure who was more excited – the children or the staff! Thank you so much, parents and families who helped make the last day a really lovely day by putting so much effort into the creation of the hats. It was truly great to see the school community coming together to make a special day for our students.

We started the day with the results of the SRC (Student Representative Council) Easter Egg Guessing Competition. There were 13 happy winners with guesses ranging from 81 eggs to 1 egg – the largest actual amount was 51 eggs and the smallest was 6 eggs. Kirra was the lucky winner of the largest prize and we hope there were no stomach aches in the family over Easter due to overindulgence! 

Thank you SRC members for operating the guessing stall each morning and coming up with the idea to have multiple containers.

Later in the day we held the SRC Easter Egg Hunt. Thanks again to the SRC members for helping to hide the eggs and a special thanks to Zai who helped hide most of the eggs.

The Easter Hat Parade was held in the afternoon and a small but enthusiastic group of parents came to support the event (with COVID distancing outside…) The children proudly displayed their creations and danced around to Easter music. Thanks to Donna, each child chose from a very cute collection of soft toys to take home after the parade.

We also drew the winners of the P & C Raffle. Thank you to everyone who supported this raffle. It raised in excess of $200. There were some great prizes with lots of chocolate of course! Many generous donations were made to create this raffle – thank you Sam and Rob, Sherrell, Gaye and Wendy for adding to the prizes. The winner of first prize was Eli and other winners included Mahni, Hattie, Aryon and Zaphira. 


There was also a mystery winner… If you sold a ticket to Pat, then a prize is waiting at school! We have no other details and are unable to contact this person!