Harmony and Food, Glorious Food!

Harmony Day
We held our Harmony Day event on Friday, 26th March. This day celebrates diversity in the community and many of the children and staff dressed up on the day. We spent the day talking about being inclusive and friendly and looked at different countries represented by our various costumes.
We also tried many different foods from different countries throughout the day, which was a lot of fun and very filling!
Thanks to the people who donated a gold coin to the SRC. The SRC are using some of their funds to donate to a worthy local cause. More information in the next newsletter.
Pizza Day
On Monday, 29th March we held Pizza Day and with Rusty’s expert cooking skills, created some awesome pizzas using the wood fired pizza oven at the school.
The children worked in small groups to make the dough from scratch, then added toppings from a great variety of options. Each child made their own pizza and there was a lot of learning around the measuring, mixing and processes involved, not to mention the co-operative skills developed over the day.
The results were delicious and some lucky families even got to share some of the results when leftovers were home delivered!
In the afternoon, the children paired up or worked alone to research Italy and pizza facts. Issi looked at a local pizzeria, Eli told us what pizza makers are called in Italy, Astella and Oli painted the Italian flag, Brax looked at facts about mozzarella. We also learnt about pizza records with Zai and Ebony and Hattie and Akasha learnt some Italian words.
The children worked fabulously together and
the day was molto grande!