Student of the Week 

Term 1 Week 9

Congratulations to the following student who has received a 'Student of the Week' award. 

StudentHome GroupAwarded for
JesseLearning LegendsHis beautiful act of kindness to ensure the happiness of his friend, displaying the school value relationships. Well done Jesse!
DunyaThe Values TeamTrying her best and achieving her goals during Accelerators.
MehtabThe Courageous CrewFor working very hard in Accelerators to make improvements in his reading.
HarviniahSmarties SquadIncluding all the elements of the Story Mountain to write an interesting narrative.
SheldonBrilliant BrigadeFor always trying his best and happily giving every learning task a go!
ZaraLegendary Curiosity ExplorersBeing an excellent role model this term and understanding her role as Chief Innovator with diligence and responsibility.