Literacy and Numeracy



As you know, each fortnight a Year Level will be sharing their learnings. 

Check out the sensational mathematics that has been happening in Year 2.  


The Year Twos have begun their Addition unit with gusto!

Students are exploring addition using a range of strategies and have dabbled in some  worded problems with ‘friends of ten’ as the common thread. 

A big component of our learning in Maths is counting patterns and rapid number facts. 

We are enjoying using manipulatives like counters and unifix, as well as the computers, ipads and calculators to enhance our learning. 

Here are some comments from the students about our learning in our Addition Unit, so far…


Alexis - I used the split strategy to find out what 89 + 86 equalled. 

Jeremiah - The friends of 10 are really useful!

Chloe C - I put the ones together and then added the tens. 

Spencer - I am excited to find out what new learning we will do. 

Annabelle - I’ve enjoyed using Studyladder on the computers.

Kaia - I like being challenged by worded problems and working out the answer.

Elijah - I love working on tricky addition equations.

Zane - I like solving hard maths equations using different strategies. 


‘Maths in Action’ in Year Two! 


We are also loving the Take Home Maths bags and sharing some fun and engaging activities with our families at home. 


As always, if you have any questions please contact your classroom teacher or myself. 

Mr Josh Crowe

Numeracy Leader