Wellbeing Report 

Andre Campbell


This term we’ve had some chilly mornings, lovely afternoons and autumn has been glorious! Already staff are collecting lost jumpers and placing them in lost property for parents to find. Talk to your child to increase their personal organisation of their belongings and the steps needed to ensure successful completion of this. Please check your child’s clothing is clearly labelled so it can be returned if it is found in the school grounds.  Remember, Veronica our school chaplain and myself can help out with spare uniform. 


Outer East Interchange are looking for families who may be interested in an afterschool program at the Woori Yallock Presbyterian Church (across the road from the school).  They are aiming to offer the program twice per week and they are seeking information from parents which will help them with their planning. Parents will be invited to participate in an online survey and we will share the link on COMPASS.  If you are interested or know someone in the community looking for services please speak to myself or Veronica. 


It’s great that parents are using COMPASS and I am pleased that parents are calling to explain absences.  This really helps us as we are able to communicate effectively with all relevant staff early in the school day. 


Regular attendance at school is essential for students to achieve quality life outcomes. Schools, in partnership with parents, are responsible for promoting the regular attendance of students.  We encourage parents and carers to refer to COMPASS for information happening at school. Schools are required to work towards improving the attendance and punctuality rates of our students. Good attendance routines happen in kindergarten and Prep. We encourage all parents to communicate when your child is going to be away and to notify the school through COMPASS.  Thank you!


We want all students to develop positive ways to interact with each other and to form healthy relationships. This term we are offering social skills groups to a number of students across the school. We are also continuing with the Resilience Project and Respectful Relationships lessons in the classrooms. We have noticed a marked change in our students’ happiness and wellbeing and these programs really do help to foster change.     The more we talk about and discuss these traits and skills, the more they become an automatic response and behaviour. 


Across the week we have a number of opportunities for students to feel supported with their friendships whether it’s during break times out in the yard/electives, seeing our welfare team or being a part of our social skill groups. We have Amy Syer from Strong Minds Psychology, soon she will start working with some of our friendship groups.


Staying calm and using a calm voice.

Letting everyone share their opinions.

Listening to everyone before making a decision.

Telling others your ideas and how they are feeling.


Trying to find a way to solve the problem by saying things like-

Let's try...

How about...

We could...

What if we...



Many students are enjoying a range of supervised activities over the course of the week. Some of the things on offer include Dodge Ball, colouring, choir, LEGO club and bring your device to school day. If your child is interested please speak to staff for more details.  


It’s not too late to sign up!  The school has a free membership for all parents to join the Happy Families website.  The school has free access until August and I would like to encourage everyone to check out the website.  The Happy Families membership gives you access to a number of resources which will help families, staff and students to thrive.  Every member will receive a weekly "Lighten the Load" email, which includes a quick, easy to apply tip from Dr. Justin, as well as some updates about other features in the membership.  There is a library of parenting resources which offers calm assurance, direction and solutions you can try out on your families. 

Click on the link to join- https://members.happyfamilies.com.au/woori-yallock-primary-school

Promotion: Up Coming Online Event: ANXIETY IN YOUR CHILD

Dr. Justin Coulson MONDAY 17 May, 8pm AEST

Anxiety has become one of the leading causes of ill-health in our children. And it’s also affecting more parents than ever before.  The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated what was already an accelerating problem.


Can we stop anxiety?  Where is it coming from? Are our kids bubble-wrapped snowflakes that just need to “toughen up” and get over it?  Or is there an approach to our children’s anxiety that can build them, encourage them, and give them hope?  Over the course of an hour, Dr. Justin Coulson will help you to:

  • Recognise anxiety in your child and know how best to respond when anxiety flares up.
  • Become a supportive hope-giver to your child to empower him/her to be courageous in the face of anxious thoughts.
  • Uncover the research-based #1 strength your child can develop to combat anxiety and develop remarkable resilience.
  • Identify how your own anxieties could be affecting your child, and know how to manage them
  • Learn proven strategies to help both you and your child navigate and manage anxiety when things get stressful.

Once you’ve participated in this webinar, you’ll have strategies that you can put into practice on the spot to help curb anxiety, build confidence, and restore resilience in your child. 


1:30-3:00pm in the Multi-purpose room

27th  April-Season/Autumn 

4th     May- Mother’s Day          

11th  May- Farm Animals

18th  May- Africa

25th  May-No Playgroup Curriculum Day 

1th    June- Books (Eastern Library Story Time visit)

8th    June-Under the Sea 

15th  June-Dinosaurs (last session for the term)


Woori Wallabies Playgroup is open to anyone in the community. Playgroup is so much fun, children meet new friends while they play and learn. We welcome all parents and carers to be a part of our group and we appreciate parents helping us run the program.