Foundation Spotlight

Spotlight on Exploration

In Foundation children choose freely from a wide variety of learning experiences during Exploration. These experiences reflect the wide range of interests of our students and allow them to build upon a multitude of learning and social skills. 


Some of the things that explorers can do are: 

  • Learn while they are doing something. ~ Rosie G, FA
  • Learn new things. ~ Ella B, FA
  • Go on an adventure when they want to go on an adventure. ~ Max V, FA
  • Do things they haven’t done before. They stay on it for a long time until they find out everything about it and then they try something else. ~ Hamish S, FA
  • Go on adventures and draw maps. ~ Tilly O. FA


This term Foundation students have so far shown a particular interest in teaching each other interesting skills such as karate, yoga and even how to teach. They have also enjoyed making shapes, making puppets, playing with playdough, building and inventing. 


Below are photos and quotes from the students sharing their ideas and teaching others during Exploration.


Drawing a spiny leaf insect
Drawing a spiny leaf insect



Robot invention
The robot!
Robot invention
The robot!
Miranda: “Thinking in your mind before you’re about to build it and then you build it. Discover what you are doing by building.”
Louis: “An invention is where no one else made it.”
Sophie: “You make something. You make it differently otherwise it will be the same as other things that other people have built.”




Marble run
Beyblade tower
Building with blocks
Marble run
Beyblade tower
Building with blocks
Toshi: “I’m making a marble run. I’m going to use it for having fun.”
Raanier: “We built a Beyblade tower together. It was fun and hard.”




Roy: “I like exploring the shapes because you can make anything with them. This one looks like my Beyblade top.”




Charlie: “I like the playdough because I can make things out of it. I can make dolphins and turtles.”





Teaching at the School 

In one classroom, designs were submitted for what the new shop area could be transformed into. 


Kaia: “We had to pick between a Little Creatures Shop and a school.” 

A committee voted and chose a school designed to teach teachers and principals. At the new school Brendan was taught about why birds have wings. It’s because they want to fly and are born to fly, but also so they don’t get cold.

Design of school
Making the school
In the school
Design of school
Making the school
In the school
Henry: “We cooperated and helped each other to make the school better.”
Leroy: “We are teaching Brendan and Paul the Principal.”


A list of things to know about the new high school.

  1. You are welcome to come to the school.
  2. We do fun work all the time.
  3. We don’t have playtime all of the time, just sometimes.
  4. This is a high school and it has a playground and an oval and a basketball court and a netball court.

Yoga Lessons

Lewis: “We are doing the dragon pose. Yoga helps to keep people calm.”

Princess Lessons

Nell: “All of the students were good listeners. One thing I taught them was how to be healthy and strong.”
Princess lessons
Princess lessons

~ Foundation Teachers and Students