International Student

"Be The Best That You Can Be"  - Promoting Independant Learning and Growth

Student Profile 

To get to know our international students better, we have asked them about their experience of Australia and WHSC so far. Here's what our 2022 International Student Captain, Serena Truong has said: 


Student Profile - Serena Truong – International Student Captain 2022


Serena Truong
Serena Truong

Q:  When did you come to Australia to study and why choose Australia?

A: I have been here for almost 3 years. The reason I choose Australia is because I really like the way they teach in Australia, good education and materials. 


Q: Which country are you from?   How is school in Australia different from school in your country?

A: I’m from Vietnam. 

The education systems of the two countries have some similarities as well as differences. 

In Australia, students go to primary school (up to 6), and then go to high school (from year 7-12). In Vietnam, we have 3 types of school such as primary (up to 5), secondary (year 6 up to year 9), and the last one is high school, year 10-12. 

The marking is also different because in Australia, marking is done on a scale of A-E, Vietnamese marking mostly follows the scale 1-10. 


Q:  Do you like Wheelers Hill Secondary College?  What do you like about studying at this school?

A: Yes, I do. I like the way teachers spend time to teach me after school or give me extra time on their day off. My teachers always care about me in class. 


Q:  What subjects are you studying now and what are you hoping to do after Year 12?

A: I study EAL, Math Methods, Math Furthers, Accounting, and Physics. 

I aim to enter university and be in HR in the future. 


Q: What has been your best experience of school in Australia so far?

A: I have been camping with my Year 12 class and teachers at the beginning of the year. I was excited and I have experienced a lot of things such as how to communicate with my friends and improve my knowledge in things like life skills. 


Q: What do you think of Australian food? 

A: It is amazing and delicious. 


Q: What different things have you experienced between your school here in Australia and your school back home? 

A:  The difference between them:

  • In my school back home, I have to study 13 subjects and I have no choice. 
  • In here, I can choose what I want. It means here the school respects what I enjoy and no one can force me to decide anything. 

Q: What advice would you give another student? 

A: It’s okay if you are not the best, you still can be proud of yourself as long as you put in the effort. Just do the best you can.