Student Voice 

Be the Best that You Can Be

Hey Wheelers!


Hope everyone is doing well, especially amid the ever-present concern that is COVID-19. 

We thought this would be the perfect place to discuss some important aspects of our College.


As many of you know, in collaboration with the Student Representative Council and the School Captains, school benches have been approved, quoted, ordered and installed! You can find these benches outside the Senior School locker bays on the grassy plains. These benches are a valuable resource for the college and everyone, at some point in their WHSC schooling experience, you all will get to use them for socialising, studying or simply soaking up the sun. 


Secondly, we’d like to raise awareness about the amount of litter that is scattered throughout the school grounds. There are plenty of bins in classrooms, near locker bays, at the canteen, on the sports field’s, etc., so there really is no excuse for there to be any rubbish to be laying around whether by accident or on purpose. Please remember that wildlife (especially birds), rain and wind are responsible for the migration of rubbish into drains, onto the roads surrounding our College or even onto the lawns of people living across the road from WHSC. To fulfill our College value of RESPECT it is important to be considerate of those around us and the impact we have on the environment.


Finally, as always, it’s important that we students remain steadfast in our studies, to strive to ‘be the best that we can be’. We understand that school is stressful but staying on top of your schoolwork and other commitments is a very effective stress-relieving method. This means you’ll be able to enjoy more free time, discover new hobbies and hanging out with friends.


Thank you for reading and have a nice day!

College Captains 2022





Beanie Day Fundraiser 

On the 19th of August, Student Voice held a "Beanie Day" to raise funds for the new benches outside the VCE Centre. 


Considering the chilly weather these few days, there couldn’t be a more perfect time for encouraging the students to warm up while staying in uniform. 


We are proud to say the we raised $142.75 all together!


A special thanks to Ms. Baldwin and the Student Voice team for organizing the fundraiser. Here are some photos from the day: 


Student Interview: Playing with Mathematics. 

Watch an interview with one of our Yr. 11 students who has a unique approach to learning Mathematics.  

If you are curious about some of the things that Jake creates using DESMOS, please check these project that show his progression. (Simple apple logo I made early into my desmos career) (I had just learned how to make Bezier curves, so I made an eye) (This was my first big project. Took an evening to complete and I loved showing it to everyone) (A simple proof of Pythagoras's theorem) (A simple bouncing ball animation) (A binary counter. I went through a stage of looking at computation and binary arithmetic) (A satisfying animation of DNA) (I discovered how to make a heart, so I animated it like I do) (My longest project so far, 2 days! My most proud work as it is really polished and satisfying)

