The Learning Zone

"Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere." - Chinese Proverb

Kinder 2023 Transition

It was exciting to welcome the preschoolers to the first Kindergarten Transition session last Tuesday.   Our transition program provides children with a positive start to school as it aims to:

  • Allow children, parents and staff to get to know each other and the school setting in a positive and relaxed way;
  • Develop familiarity and a sense of belonging for children and their families to the school community;
  • Begin to establish and build positive relationships with teachers, school staff and peers;
  • Enhance children’s experience of learning in the formal school setting;
  • Introduce the St Joseph’s school expectations: 
    • I am safe;
    • I am valued, cared for and respected;
    • I am a learner.

We look forward to the second Kindergarten Transition session tomorrow morning from 9am - 11am.

Armidale Diocesan Mathematics Initiative (MaST)

What is happening in the world of mathematics at St Joseph's? Let's take a look! 

Please see the information below to assist your child at home or to see what they have been doing so far this term.


Maths At Home:

Kindergarten - Multiplication

Kindergarten have commenced work on Multiplication last week. 

Putting objects together in equal groups helps children to understand early multiplication. Encourage your child to move objects to create equal groups. There are lots of opportunities to make and show equal groups in everyday life. Think about events when sharing is needed and ask your child to help you create equal groups.

• Sharing equal amounts of food

• Baking biscuits or cupcakes where the mixture is shared equally

• Building 2 lego towers the same height

• Giving equal amounts of time to play with a toy

• Organising your toys into equal groups.

• Sharing out cards for a card game

One of the best ways to explore equal groups is to make unequal groups and problem solve together how to make them equal.


Stage 1 - 3D Space  

In Stage 1, your child has been busy looking at 3D shapes.


Note that the focus is on the recognition and identification of spheres, prisms, cones and pyramids. The focus is not on the identification of the specific prism or pyramid, just the classification. Parents are encouraged to point out real life examples of the various types of solids.

Sarah & Valeria completing number work in Stage 1
Sarah & Valeria completing number work in Stage 1

Stage 2 - Time

Stage 2 are beginning a unit of work on Time. 

Start making a habit of pointing out the time on a clock when events happen in your day, to introduce what that time looks like. Move on to asking your child to tell you what a certain time looks like: “What will the clock look like at 1 o’clock” (or more tricky “in 15 minutes”).

Once these basics are established, let your children remind you when it is time to do something…You may well find that they will pick this up especially easily if it’s something they’re really looking forward to doing.


Problems of the Week:










Stage 3 - Chance

Stage 3 have been having a lot of fun during their Chance unit of work.

Will, Jacob & Flynn working on a Chance activity!
Will, Jacob & Flynn working on a Chance activity!
Arabella & Sophia - Chance Champions!
Arabella & Sophia - Chance Champions!











"Coming together is the beginning, staying together is progress,

and working together is success." - Henry Ford


Have a great week of learning and fun!


Maree Holland & Greg O'Toole