Out Of School Hours Care


Term 4 Week 4


My Time, Our Place

Over the past 2 weeks the children have participated in a variety of craft activities based around Halloween. The children thoroughly enjoyed creating skeleton hand puppets, moulding and creating Plasticine monsters, decorating trick or treat bags and designing spooky masks. These activities have enabled the children to express their creativity and experiment with ideas creative processes. Outside the children have enjoyed playing games of cricket on the oval which allows the children to practice sharing and understand fairness. Cricket also encourages the children to participate in physical activity and develop their gross motor skills. 



Community Night

Make sure to come and visit OSHC’s sweets stand at this years Community night! We will be selling a variety of delicious treats such as popcorn, fairy floss, hot donuts, cupcakes, chocolate strawberries, chocolate mousse, candy apples, cream puffs, matchsticks and lots more. Looking forward to seeing you all there!



The service will begin trialling the new Sprout menu during Term 4. Please ensure you check the menu for the week on the display board outside the OSHC room. If you have any further queries regarding the menu feel free to email or call the service. If your child/children have any specific food preferences please ensure you provide other meals or snacks to the service for your child. 


Pupil Free & School Closure Days

Lockleys North OSHC will be operating on the School closure day Friday 8th November and Pupil Free Day Monday 11th of November 2019. For those parents who expressed interest of care for this day. No cancellations will be accepted. The service will be operating from 7.00am-6.00pm and there is still room available if you require care for that day.


December/January Vacation Care Booklet

The December/January Vacation care booklet will be available from the front office, the OSHC room and online on Monday 18th November 2019.  


Enrolment Forms 2020

To ensure all our information is up to date we require all new enrolment forms to be filled out. In the case of an emergency it is important that we have current information such as emergency contacts, allergies and medical plans. To allow us to provide quality care it is vital that you read and sign the consents and agreements. Enrolment forms are available at the service or attached below. We ask that you return these forms as soon as possible in the New Year.

Yearly Permanent Booking Forms 2020

Please make sure you have booked your child/ren into OSHC if you require the service for 2020. It is essential that parents, who need care for their children, fill in the yearly permanent booking form which can be collected from the OSHC room, front office, LNPS website or attached below.


Active After School

If our Educators have not been notified by parents/caregivers that their children are participating in active after school they will be unable to leave the service. If your child is going to attend an after school activity please notify the service in advance. (Parents please remind your children to go to  OSHC before going to active after school).



A reminder to all parents and caregivers to contact the service on 8443 5308 if their child(ren) are no longer attending their sessions or have been collected early from school. If your child/ren are booked in for that day and do not come to the OSHC service prior to their after school activity the service will follow our protocol of contacting parents, if parents cannot be contacted the police will be called. 


Thank you

Maria Morello 
