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Principal’s Report
Dear Families and Carers,
As we head into our last day of Term 3, thank you once again, for all your support throughout this time. We acknowledge the incredible partnership between our Moreland families and our fantastic school.
There has been a lot of work happening behind the scenes in the school yard and clearing out unwanted goods in classrooms and throughout the school- there is nothing like a good old ‘spring clean.’
On the holidays the following works will be taking place:-
- New carpet being installed throughout areas of the school
- Library resource centre will have the new hybrid timber flooring installed
- Painting will continue
- Andrew has organised a big bin, as we will be busily removing unwanted furniture and rubbish
- Arborists trimming loose branches.
R U OK Day
On Thursday 8 September we celebrated R U OK? Day across the school. Students started the day in a positive way by asking this important question to each other and staff throughout the day. Each class then completed a range of different age-appropriate activities in their class.
While this is one day, we all checked in on each other, it is really important that we keep doing this on the other 364 days of the year.
It is important that we all look out for each other. It costs nothing to ask someone if they are okay. ‘Never estimate your ability to have a positive impact on someone’s life.’
Prep Enrolments 2023
A huge thankyou to all the prospective Prep families who have handed in their enrolment forms for 2023. It really does help with being able to develop the work force plan for next year.
We are still accepting enrolments, it would be greatly appreciated if parents could enrol no later than the 14th October. The transition program will commence on 4th November, Term 4 and all enrolled families will receive a welcome letter and details of the orientation sessions. If you have not enrolled and are intending to do so, please fill in the enrolment form ASAP. If you have any queries regarding enrolments please give our Office a call, the friendly staff are only too happy to assist you.
Tours will continue during Term 4 on Wednesdays and Fridays @ 9.15am. If you are interested in booking a tour please contact the office on 9386 2510.
We would like to give families a friendly reminder that in line with the Sunsmart policy all students will need to have their hats at school from beginning Monday 1st October. Please ensure that all your children’s uniform is CLEARLY NAMED so it may be returned if found.
What a busy term we have had, filled with lots of fun and community events.
List of events in Term 3:
- Coffee O’Clock mornings
- Lifeskills sessions
- Footsteps
- National Tree day
- Open Streets- Ride and Stride
- 100 Days of prep
- Book Week parade
- Athletics Carnival
- Friendship Day
- Wear it purple day
- Random Acts of Kindness Week (RAOK)
- R U OK day
- Fire incursion
- Popcorn fundraiser- Koalas
- The Great Book Swap fundraiser- Indigenous Literacy day
- Father’s day stall and raffle
- Bunning BBQ
- Footy Day and special lunch
- Breakfast club- it’s been great to see so may students having breakfast at school
- Lunchtime clubs.
Phew!! No wonder we are so tired and need a holiday break!
Stay safe, look after your loved ones and have a great holiday everyone!
Many thanks to our whole school community for your support of the school, the staff and our programs.
Maria Giordano
Division Athletics Championship
On Wednesday 7th September, 5 students from Moreland Primary School competed in the Division Athletics Championship. It is a great achievement to get to this stage of competition and a big congratulations to the following students who did an amazing job representing our school.
- Ben Howie in High Jump
- Daniel Martin in Triple Jump
- Kira Moussalli who came 3rd in Long Jump
- Maysara Taleb who came 3rd in Shot Put
And well done to Mariam Taha who came 1st in Discus and will be representing Moreland Primary School at the Regional Athletics Championship on Wednesday 12th October.
Moreland Primary Art Exhibition Term 4
The students of Moreland Primary School are preparing for our Art Exhibition in Term 4.
We are turning the hall into a gallery space in Week 3 of Term 4 and the opening will be on Thursday the 20th of October from 3:30 to 4:15pm.
I’m wondering if there are any keen parents / carers / grandparents that would like to help set up on Wednesday the 19th of October? If you have a few hours and would like to pin up artwork, I could use the help! Please let me or the office know if you would like to volunteer.
Carley Ternes
The Arts
MPS Comedy Night
Our 2022 MPS Comedy night is only five weeks away, on Sunday Oct 23!
At 6pm, the incredible Nazeem Hussain headlines our show, also featuring former MPS parent turned comedian Bron Lewis and former head student Annie Louey.
At 8pm the school hall turns into an after party, so you can get your money’s worth out of your babysitter.
Book your tickets now at or you can win tickets by entering our joke competition in the first week of next term.
Three double passes, plus free pizza, to be won!
Entry forms will be sent home on the first day of Term 4, and students can enter their punchlines to one or all of these jokes:
- How many Moreland Primary staff members does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
- What’s the difference between a Principal and a Prep student?
- Knock knock. Who’s there? Costa. Costa who?
Happy joke writing, everyone!