Brooke's Message

Monday 12th September 

The final week of Term 3, we made it!  


I hope you all have a wonderful and relaxing term break and enjoy some quality time with your families.


I will look forward to catching up with our students when we return on 03 October to hear all about the exciting things they get up to.


Take care of each other.



SSG day will run on Friday 16 September 2022. 


We will also run sessions from Monday to Friday in the last week of term after school.  While we encourage you to meet with your child’s teacher face to face, we will still provide the option to set up a WebEx or telephone meeting for those of you that cannot attend in person.  Please let your teacher know.


Celebration of Work 

On 16 September 2022, we will be showcasing the students’ work in the gym, we invite all families/carers to come along at the allocated time.  However, you are welcome to come along anytime between 9.30 a.m. – 12.00 p.m. for a walk through.


Free coffee, tea and biscuits will be provided in the staffroom throughout the morning for our families/carers.


Sub-School 1     - 9.30 - 10.00 a.m.

Sub-School 2      - 10 - 10.30 a.m.

Sub-School 3      - 10.30 - 11.00 a.m.

Sub-School 4      - 11 - 11.30 a.m.

Sub-School 5      - 11.30 a.m. - 12.00 p.m.


Newsletter - New Platform 

Beginning Term 4 we will be changing the way we share our school news with you.  


Currently we outsource our articles for publication, which often results in late news being excluded.  We hope to utilise the new platform Naavi which will allow us to make as many edits as we need to, as exciting things happen here at Melton SS.


You will shortly receive a survey requesting your feedback regarding what you would like to see in the ‘new look’ newsletter.  There are no right or wrong suggestions, we just want to provide you all with the opportunity to view the information you will find most useful.



I do appreciate that I repeat this message quite often, however, I would urge you all to be mindful that there continues to be an increased police and council presence during morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up. 


I understand that this is a very busy time but please do not double park in the slip lane.  If the gates are closed, please do a loop and come back through.  


Drop-off times are from 8.55 a.m. and pick-up is from 2.55 p.m.



Please remember to follow the correct procedures when picking up and dropping off your child:


  • All vehicles must enter THROUGH Gate 1 and Exit Via Gate 2
  • Parents dropping off or picking up students on foot must only use gate 3.


You will notice staff dressed in Hi-Viz jackets holding lollipop sticks, please pay attention to these traffic coordinators and respond accordingly. 


Red means STOP

Green means MOVE SLOWLY


Staff Absences

I realise that you are all aware that we continue to face an unprecedented number of staff absences due to the Covid-19 isolation requirements and general illness.  But I would like to take another opportunity to thank you for your patience and understanding.


Our MSS team are exceptional, there are no other words!  Most staff members are wearing many different hats to ensure that your children remain, where possible, unaware of the trying times we are currently experiencing due to the staff shortages.  


I am in total admiration of the team that I am privileged to lead, they consistently show up, work incredibly hard, and somehow, do it all with a smile.  I hope you will join me in thanking them and wishing them all a very restful holiday next week.


We continue to advertise for additional staff and I am confident that we will start to turn a corner in 2023.



Bunji continues to enjoy his ‘roll’ at MSS and the students continue to enjoy his presence.  


This weekend we were lucky enough to meet with Grant from Dogs Connect, who has been instrumental in helping MSS to secure a Wellbeing Dog and has been providing the correct training and support we have needed to ensure Bunji’s introduction was successful.

Best wishes,

