Grade 3/4 News

Week 8, Term 3


  • Home Reading Diaries must be checked each night and come to school Friday with a parent signature. Students will need to read a minimum of 20 minutes for 4 nights each week.
  • Homework - Week 9: Reading Diary and Big Talk Homework (Big Write has been switched to Week 9 due to camp) 
  • Homework - Week 10: Reading Diary (no Studyladder or Big Talk Homework)

Camp Kookaburra 

The Grade 4s are having a wonderful time on camp! Here are some photos of our time away so far - keep your eyes peeled for plenty more photos in the next newsletter!

Book Week

Students had a wonderful time celebrating Book Week with a variety of activities including the Book Parade and a performance by 'The Blurbs'. We also created self-portraits inspired by our class novel 'Wonder'. Well done on all of your fantastic costumes - everyone looked amazing! 

Learning in Weeks 9 & 10

Mathematics: During our Fluid Maths Groups, we will be focusing on the topic of 'Chance' for the remainder of Term 3. We will also be looking at 'Capacity' during our weekly Applied Maths sessions and explore how to measure the volume of an object using millilitres and litres. 


Writing & Reading: In Writing, students are continuing to work on a Narrative text about a chosen disability. These stories will be completed during Week 9 and we will move on to publishing one of the texts we have written this term in Week 10. In Reading, we will focus on comparing and contrasting within and between different texts. This skill will better help us to recognise the similarities and differences in the texts we read. 


Topic: Students are continuing work on their projects - designing a brochure all about a disability of their choice. We look forward to sharing these with you at the end of the term!