Specialists News

PE/Sports News

Footy Colours Day - Friday 16th September

It's the Fight Cancer Foundation’s most important national fundraising event. We are encouraging all students to wear their team’s colours and join in with the special activities. We are also asking that you please make a gold coin donation or visit the link below to help support young people fighting cancer.




Student will have an early recess on this day (10:30am) and then walk down to the Spring Gully Soccer fields for a variety of football based activities from 11:00am-1.00pm. The activities will include: kicking, marking, handballing, goal kicking, longest kick competition, tackling bags and mini games. South Bendigo Football Club players and AFL Central Victoria staff will be in attendance to assist with the activities. The activities will conclude with the annual parent/staff vs Grade 6 football match for the 'Stevo Cup'. All parents are welcome to join in the football match.

German Specialist Program

Poetry Competition


Years 4-6  Thank you parents for the help you are giving your son/daughter/friend in accessing the audios of their chosen poem for German (here if you didn't see this earlier :-https://padlet.com/AGTV2020/o1rqpdpq8tly7mji ). We are hoping to start making the video recordings of each student presenting their poem next week in German lessons. Those who miss a class can submit their video into a safe, dedicated folder on Compass, to be ready for both marking and competition judging. Details will be given to students.

We now have our prizes for this competition in place. Each year level will have 3 place gettings with prizes as follows:-

1st  A set of Bluetooth Wireless Headphones valued at $39 ( Special thanks to the generosity of Office Works in Bendigo who donated 3 of these for our students)

2nd  - Choice of either a movie pass voucher to Bendigo Cinema or Jumpz in Kangaroo Flat.

3rd - Alternate of above after 2nd place getter has chosen. 


Year 3s are working on their Hundertwasser artist inspired artwork and beginning to write their poem to accompany this in classes next week. We will be selecting entries to be included in the State wide German Poetry & Art competition.


Year 1/2s have almost mastered shape, color, artist names and painting title descriptions in German and are now creating one of their own.


Preps will shortly be bringing home their own little colour booklets ("Farben"), which they will proudly read to you in German.


Thank you for your support and interest in our program.


Frau Baldwin

Music News

New Keyboards have arrived!

Students were thrilled this week to find 9 new Yamaha keyboards in their music room! These keyboards were purchased by the school recently and will facilitate some exciting lessons with a focus on reading music and keyboard technique. We’re very lucky here at SGPS to have access to such wonderful equipment and resources for the students to use. Thank you to Thomas C, Declan S, Will D, Rheef and Hunter A for unpacking them and assembling all the stands, too.