Students of the Week- week 9

Monday 5th September, 2022

PrepAshvika RFor your confidence in sharing your creative ideas and thoughts with everyone. We can't wait to hear more! well done.
PrepKarthick RFor the incredible efforts you have been putting into your writing. Your work really shines. Well done Karthick!
PrepFrederik CFor sharing your amazing knowledge of the animal world with our class, especially interesting facts about dinosaurs. We love your enthusiasm, Freddy!
Year 1Flynn TFor working extremely hard in publishing your amazing poems. Your creative illustrations and focus on your neat handwriting has been incredible. Keep up the hard work!
Year 1Alex TFor awesome improvements in your handwriting. You are a super star! Keep up the great work.
Year 1Isaac MFor all you hard work on your handwriting. Your focus and determination has shown great improvements. Keep it up!
Year 1Gabriel AFor always completing his work to his best ability! Well done for always setting a great example to other students.
Year 1Juan GFor settling in well to your new school. I am so proud of you for working hard on your writing and improving every single day! Well done, Juan
Year 2Hong YFor focussing so well in class and producing fabulous work. Keep it up!
Year 2Sanul L BFor sharing wonderful ideas during our learning of narrative writing. Keep up the fantastic work!
Year 2Devika SFor your fabulous Show and Share on Diwali. We loved listening to you as you spoke really clearly and shared so much information. Well done, Devika!
Year 2Tanvi SFor always listening well, contributing to discussion and working to the best of your abilities. You are amazing, Tanvi. Keep it up!
Year 3Jack MFor your fabulous effort when writing your quatrains. Keep up the great work!
Year 3Ira DFor your fabulous soccer and Great Barrier Reef quatrain poems. You put a lot of thought into them! Well done!
Year 3Madison DFor excellent pattern maths thinking and setting out your work so clearly.
Year 3Chloe HFor fantastic quatrain poetry writing. You have shown a great knowledge of the syllable and rhyming patterns.
Year 4Liam C JFor your positive attitude and effort towards all aspects of school, particulary group works with peers. Thanks Liam!
Year 5Sienna BFor your positive attitude and effort towards all aspects of school life. You are a kind friend and wonderful work buddy
Year 5Layla SFor her dedicated approach to working on her fluency goals in order to improve her numeracy skills. What a marvelous math learner you are Layla!!