Principals Report

Ms Stephanie Scott


Welcome to our first newsletter for the term! It was lovely to welcome our students back and so far we have had a very smooth start of term - with positive behaviour and learning happening throughout the school! A special welcome back to Mrs Sarah Little who returns from maternity leave. Mrs Little is continuing in her role as Deputy Principal for Years 7 - 9. Congratulations to Mr Craig Cook who has successfully gained permanency - we are very fortunate to have him! 


Unfortunately, I was on personal leave and unable to attend the parent teacher interviews and subject selection evening, but I know the night was a huge success with a large turnout. If you were unable to attend, and would like to speak to any of the teachers, please contact the school to make an appointment.


Last week students of Year 7 and Year 9 should have received their Naplan results in the mail. The school will be receiving more detailed information on our results to help us continue to improve our literacy and numeracy. We have also received our check-in results for Year 8 reading and numeracy, and I am very pleased to report that both reading and numeracy have shown significant improvements. 


Next week we look forward to welcoming Yr 6 students and families to our Yr 6 information night. This is an opportunity to find out more about the school, have a tour and meet some of the staff. Our Year 6 transitions have been extremely successful and we are looking forward to next year. Mr Craig Cook will be the Year 7 advisor next year and already has some great ideas to support his year group settle into high school!


As I write we are busily making the final preparations for next weeks EKKA excursion. Yesterday we hosted our Beef Bonanza event (see inside for some great pictures) and Mr Jones and students are doing a final shop today! This will be my second trip to the EKKA and I'm very excited o once again have this opportunity. Look out for some great pictures on FB - I think that will be my designated job (I might not be trusted to do much else!!).